Father Boeman and the Wooden Man


Public Relations Committee
I would like to discuss what we plan on doing with each threat. The Boogie man may be reasoned with but, I know nothing about this wooden man.

Lady FallingStar
What is happening?

I do not think Nikkolai will allow much talking to Father Boeman. And he by rights has a family claim to him.

Benradi- speak to your cousin Nikkolai, about this family matter as soon as you can.

If it has to do with Father Boeman Nikkolai has been hunting him for his entire life- please I recommend speaking to him about it.

In Service,
I'm looking for information on this wooden man... I'll let you know if I find any.

~Terra Jane
I will be killing Boemanne personally. If you all want to help fine. But I will be delivering the finishing blow. I hope everyone can understand why and will stay out of my way.

Ser Siril
Okay yeah this seems bad, but also maybe good because he's the opposite of Kazzik?

I don't really care, but I also do kind of care because people I like are seriously into getting rid of this guy. So that's weird. I'll talk to you guys privately about that ****.


NOW I understand. This will be interesting.

I know that there are those who will disagree with this. *Sigh* We felt his mind shatter and if his journal was correct he opposes the Devourer. I am not saying that he should be absolved from his past crimes. I think that if we could cleanse his mind, he would be a powerful allie in the upcoming war against the Devourer.

This is an option that we should discuss.

Lady FallingStar

Ser Siril
This is not your decision, Foss.

Meetings are boring! Besides, it's not the town's decision either.

Just a thought, but all these new Weres, they might be freaking out because of this guy...
