Fav moments


Gonna try and get a few down here before my notorious memory files them somewhere i can't access without prompting for specifics, but gotta say it was just a big ol' overall great time for me anyway. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did. So, on to the moments that made it all up in no particular order, just as they occur to me to put em down:

-Alavatar right off the bat jumpin on Polare's introductions to make sure I got introduced to the visiting folks as his "definitely single friend, Solomon". He earns that gold every time he does.
-Some very intense roleplay with Duke Dave behind the scense, and in front of the whole town (best resignation EVAR).
-Storming into the middle of the tavern, demanding the whole town gear up for war and be sitting in the tavern ready to go on my say so in 45 minutes, and it worked! I was giving better odds on getting lynched but hey I guess when people are desparate for direction they'll take it from anywhere. Truly floored me.
-Some very fun RP bargaining with Pain Slice. No one gets suckered like a hobling with an axe to grind I guess. Well played, Holly. Well played.
-Casting the ritual we'd spent all weekend to that point trying to get all the stuff together for, and watching it all go horribly "right?" Can't remember the last time I felt that badly for a fellow player.
-Being told by a guy in a Quicksilver golem he was pretty sure I could kick his ***. Just when you thought the ego couldn't get any bigger....
-Right in the middle of a big ol' passle of the world ending five different ways, still being able to take time out and have a nice intimate dinner with friends.
-..and speaking of food, eating better than ever thanks to the Fuzzy Mugs. You guys make events just that much better, muchas gracias!

Many many many other moments of great fun and enjoyment were had joking and fighting with old friends and new, all weekend long, really hated to have to leave knowing it would have kept on the whole way through the next day, but sometims reality has to trump fantasy. Sorry I'll miss the April event, but hope to see everyone at the Oregon event in may where I've realized I'll be celebrating not only my 35th birthday but my tenth aniversary as a Ner... I mean Alliance player. I think I finally got the hang of it.
Taking the RIGHT Path.

Hearing the little girl voice saying "Oh there are scary things out here I'm scared!" Then seeing the four or five guys trying to hide in the darkness and then hearing the voice change pitch to that of Pain slice and saying "GET UM!" and the fighting retreat that happened afterwards. It was really good that we took the Right path.

Waylaying Goblins and getting Paid to do it! I could do that all day long.

Sneaking up and Waylaying Wolves and a Gnoll without making a sound.

The battle to defend the tavern.
-Being 15 again
-Dinner with the foreigners (both times)
-"Hey D! Your sword really does glow in the dark!"

I'm sure I'll recall more specific moments later. The RP this event was excellent all around, and I'm sorry I had to leave early (on that note, anyone who still has business with Shikar can leave me a PM and we can resolve it ASAP).

I'd have to say that some of my favorite moments were:::

~Getting to use my new bow and finding that it came quite in handy for that specific event. Amazing. Coincidence? Probably.
~Singing with Kasuni.
~Polare's house fiest.
~Sunday's night mod when i got to snipe pain elementals from afar.
~Almost making it to the advanced apprentice drills with Polare.
~Solomon just being a nice guy. :D
~Feeling organized and powerful with the Andarian Wolves. :D Even if we were forced to flee from Pain Slice. :P
~Lootz. xD

The whole thing was pretty much amazing. I was very satisfied. I shouldn't expect much anyways and considering that Jaina isn't that significant of a person, I still felt like i was apart of the game. Thanks everyone!
  • Meeting players from afar. It's always awesome to see how other people play, and share how we roll.
  • Strategizing as a cunning bad guy.
  • Realizing the entire town went on the mod Saturday night, and how it impacted what else we had planned.
  • Watching Seth's face during "the ritual"
  • The interaction between Holly's time elemental and Kerjal on Sunday morning:
    "You know, that's the wrong ritual."
    "Do you have a Conjure Artifact scroll?"
    "Neither do we."
    "Oh crap!!! THEY'RE FLAW-SURFING!!!"
  • Saturday night's battle in the Meadow, switching between a normal short sword and a long claw. It's been a while since I've had such a good workout.
  • The conclusion of the Master Mod.
  • Getting Waylaid as a wolf. Talk about sneaky!
This was my first LARP anywhere, so I'm still really excited and going over things in my head a lot. I had an incredible amount of fun, more than I thought I would, and am definitely coming back. Thanks everyone!

That being said, from an NPC point of view, my favourite parts were:
-Running around as a goblin asking/wheedling/trading for red clothing, and then making a meta decision to attack people for it since there wasn't any real conflict happening yet.
-Walking past a group of PCs as a candy elemental, listening to them go "...wait, they're not dangerous," and then follow us and lick at the trailing candy.
-The tavern seige Sunday night was incredible fun, especially watching the dancing gypsy-cum-pain elemental in the middle of the magic storm. Freaking MeWe and her freaking bag of magic storm! ^_^
-Getting completely slaughtered in gruesome manners as a hiding goblin.
-Being a Time Lord in the barn and cackling evilly. "Now you'll suffer as we have!" "Why must we suffer?" "Because you're STUCK! ::cackle::"

I'm sure there were more, but that's what sticks out in my mind. In case anyone is curious, I was the new NPC girl with long red hair, usually wearing a red velour cloak when I came into town.

How could I have forgotten:

Ha HA! Chicken grease!!!

Oh, and I forgot to tell my new big green friend: when the duke showed up to take away all our weapons, I told everyone on the tavern secretly that the signal to take out all his guards was "Serve them waffles". Just for you big guy.
OMG! I have so much to say! I want to share it all! But this post would never end if I did.... ~_~

- First, OOG, when we finally got there I was tired and a bit out of it but I got out of the van and walked over to be greeted by a huge hug that took me off the ground, It was one of the nicest greetings I've had at a far off event.
- "Why the hell am I in this compromising position...?" Jehan yelling inside the building "Crap we have to get him out of there!"
- Walking into the Tavern to find the Wolves all lined up... not recognizing Daylynn at first and getting hugs anyway.
- Jehan inhaling his rice and chicken and my chicken, only to regret it later.
- "What do you mean its the 22nd!? We have a dinner to be at tomorrow! It's supposed to be the 15th!"
- Backpacking Jehan and sticking right non his heels in the large field battle. Being thrid to last in the cabin, it felt good and honorable to be out there.
- Lanister Tyrion really did creep Elle out a bit... she wonders what he's up too.
- Cumulo freaking out at all the gypsies.
- Cumulo: "I don't like him, he thinks he's cooler than me.... And we're too much alike..." Refering to Polare.
- And the battle ensued, Jehan had left.... he had something he had to do... "Toga, I'm dropping a magic storm...." Planting my feet the packet storm ensued.... and then I realized Toga had dropped one too.... there were packets at my feet and in a bag over my shoulder... we were now the Magic Storm Twins.
- Singing a magic storm.
- Helping a pained Polare get Identified.
- I finally became a part of a family other that my own. Elle feels so much better now...

Sorry it was so long but I had to list them all.... I had a BLAST! Thanks so much to everyone!
THank you to everyone. I really appreciate the players, plot, logistics, NPC's, site reservations guy, and everyone else who amde this event happen. I think my favorite moment was seeing people happy.
Maxondaerth said:
How could I have forgotten:

Ha HA! Chicken grease!!!

Oh, and I forgot to tell my new big green friend: when the duke showed up to take away all our weapons, I told everyone on the tavern secretly that the signal to take out all his guards was "Serve them waffles". Just for you big guy.

Lets see...

  • Being pulled in nearly every direction to cast rituals. I never felt so needed before. :)
  • Monday morning breakfast with Avaran. That was a super suprise, Fuzzy Mugs! :D
  • Identifying Polare. I know it was inappropriate to make jokes, but Polare started it!
  • Solomon's tirade Saturday evening (or was it Friday? I can't remember).
  • "The Ritual" ... Note to self: If things don't go as planned, start Polare's old-school chanting.
  • The very impressive Tavern seige. Granted, I was practically tapped after the first wave, but it was fun seeing everyone else shine.
  • Moving around the *then* Countess using my Red Robes again. At least she liked the warmth the robes offered...
  • Being able to spend some time with the local newcomers, the foreigners, and getting to know most of the other adventurers.
  • Casting Kerjal's rituals. At least the thing is finished, now! Congrats on your upgraded sword!

I may add more later. :D
HOW COULD I FORGET: The best gold I have ever spent: My massage from Sarjane that was amazing I felt so good after that!
- MWE skipping
- Jaina agreeing to sing with me!
- "I swear, I don't always walk off with creepy black cloaked guys."
- Jehan asking what we needed him for, and Kasuni replying "We need you to save the world. Please?" Then the look of incredulity.
- The massage from Sarajane. It really would have been fine if the world ended then. I wasn't joking.
- Passing Polare's basic drills and then 2/3 advanced... only to drink an amnesia and forget about it. Kasuni will have to stop asking for surprises in her drinks :P
- Jehan's roleplaying needs to be noted. I have a rping rolemodel now :P
-"Jehan asking what we needed him for, and Kasuni replying "We need you to save the world. Please?" Then the look of incredulity."

I had no idea what to say.... it was the second time in one night that someone asked me to save the world. I had never even been asked to help as much. Jehan was confused.

"- Jehan's roleplaying needs to be noted. I have a rping rolemodel now."

Thanks Emily, It means a lot to be recognized. I had a blast doing it and you guys brought it out of me. I have to say... Jehan has had this comming for a long time. He's an emotional and social creature that was forced into a shell by a lot of PC's perming. Fact is, all the people I named to Fortanis under the tree are all permed PCs. My character was resigned for a long time to live alone in his heart. This would have worked had it not been for some people genuinely comming to care for him and seeing past his deliberate attempts to destoy any close ties he had. Those PCs worked and worked for the last 2 yrs to get an admission that he cared about them out of him but it took the combined efforts of Fortanis, You, Teth, and Krieger to make him realize he failed to keep people out of his heart and would have to be honest about the love he does posses for the people around him.

I look forward to our future hunts! :)
