Fave moments of November 05


Arrr for me it was the moment when someone came up to me and said "you yeah you, hey you and all of us inheareted a forest of undead and a quest." I was like "what the heck?"
Here they are...

Aeris and Avarans funny copy cat game and trying to get him to admit he was an alcoholic

Polare's and Aeris' many talks

Not knowing how to dance at all at the feast

Aeris' and Amalies talk

The tower mod was awesome!

running into a crowd of monsters in the tower with Evad behind Aeris, lifing Polare, and not getting hit once.

Drawing a white bead! w00t!

Being invited by Polare personally.

yeah there are probably more but I am to tierd to think of any.
Well From my NPC point of view,

The Radios rocked and helped us not have to stand around all day...almost..

The Tower Mod, and watching arrows go over the Barn.

Gold'n'Silver Golems Those were fun "Spellstrike Prision" "Spellshield" "Spellstrike Prision" "Crap.."

Well you see Mr.Smith is a 30min walk that way and then you turn and walk 3 days that way you cant miss Mr.Weaponsmith he makes the best armor.
No We dont know any Weapon Master, We don't Know any of the Master Family at all..(me and Dante Stalling people..beware!!)

Almost eating Brian as a Plant, mmm hobling....

and thats all off the top of my head

Wait a min....Being Sparks at the feast and taking about 20 cups of cider...yet there was still more the next day, oh and licking Summers Flower, that might be it, oh well come back later and flush it out
Hmm, let's see here...

-The tower mod was ace. So many good points from it. Vanyel's great shot with the rope arrow, not getting instantly slain for putting the gems in the box in the wrong order at first, Aeris' saving my ***, making my dash from being Prisoned to Evad to escape with 1 body and no protectives... Made up for my failed attempt to do the exact same thing earlier in the day from the Spracta :)

-The feast was fun. Good to see the Count in action again. Arranging the entertainment was highly enjoyable (thank you again Cassandra & co.!).

-My talks with all of my assorted apprentices, "contract employees", Wards of the State, associates & etc.

A number more I'm sure but at the moment my brain is a bit fried and I should save what I have in that area for work...
In no particular order

Seeing Dave agian, it is great to have him back

All things Kiarra, even when she is yelling at Daylynn

While I wish I could have been there as Daylynn, I though the tower mod was incredible

The Ressurection festival, 16 people crammed into the front half of a cabin with about 75% of us in the quarter that had the circle as we try and ressurect 8 people with speed and efficiency.

The feast was amazing, it was nice to have entertainment, and the food was great

It was good seeing Greg agian, even if he didn't play Krieger

Crawling through the wet and the dirt and the leaves for hours on end to get as close as we could before being detected by the Llantry soldiers was a whole lot of fun, thank you to everyone for there paitence and for making this possible to have happened

After almost 4 or 5 years finnally getting to know Shikar
Becca as random Sarr who was stuck in the earth circle, "You want to came in here and tell me that?"

Brox steps into the building

"not what I meant...."

Eli "You going to calm down now?"

Sarr "You want to come in here and say that?"

Eli steps into the building

Sarr "Once again, not what I meant..."
My favortie moments were probably:

-shooting over the barn

-Learning I could see fate and later teasing Kasuni saying things were going to happen because I could see them

-Turning around a corner in the tower and seeing a room full of imps and standing there speechless as they all start chucking at me. I stood there for a a few secconds as they all went past me except one hit my shoulder and one hit my leg and then just calmy turning and walking back around the corner.

-Surviving once again by pure luck this time in the form of Kauss with a rift stone.

-NPCing the guards. We might have been out there for a long time but it was actually still sorta fun.

-The standoff at the tower.

Elemental "Die" me "Three normal"

Other elemental "35 (something that sucks)" "three normal!"

then a magic storm starts and everyone seems to be down within secconds....

This is all I can remember at the moment
The radios!!!! It was like Christmas! I loved how the first things said went along the lines of "Hey, is this working? Hey Shane? hm. I'll go outside. *becca runs outside* Heeeeey, cat lady!" And Shane responds with the completion of the innapropriate quote. Then Bond hops on with a request that we keep the inappropriate comments to a minimum. Here I thought Shane and I were the only ones on. . .

Berserking as my Sarr NPC, and then being pretty damn close to berserked for another ten minutes or so because of certain circumstances. That was awesome. She was PISSED. Eli was very smart to hightail it outta that circle. She had quite a few fighter skills with his name on them.

Discussing with Bond all the various ways Greg was going to NINJA the NPCs during the guard mod, and attempting to figure out who was in the damn bush. Bond thought it was Brad, I thought it was Greg. It turned out to be nobody. Oh well, at least I didn't lose any money over it.

Getting intoxicated by newts as my dignified Sarr and trying to find where the Zebra went.

Stalking what I THOUGHT was Bond. I was wrong. I'm so sorry about that, Bond! T_T
- Talking to the Spracta guy on friday night. Accepting physical roleplay... and then as I ran back to get into the cabin when it attacked... getting pounced on by Dante who was the Spracta leader o___o Kinda hurt, but it made diving into the cabin all the more fun.

- Playing dragon poker and laughing as I lost a total of 937 minutes to Nakia and Gregor. >__> It was weird to give a foot-rub just to get rid of 3 minutes >___<

- The gnoll mod was fun =D Esspecially after we were rogued... I was hit was a 4waylay and I had 3 body left. So I didn't know where the earth circle was. So I said to Becca OOG "Hey, in about 90 seconds can you show me where the earth circle is and give me a brief explanation of ressurection?" She's all "crap. this is a lowbie mod... crap"

- ... Hearing rumors that I was marrying the gnoll in order to get what we were looking for... o___O Then hearing Vanyel and Alabaster be like "we see a marriage in your future... TO THE GNOLL" ... *shudder*

- Roleplaying crying right before the feast. That was hard o___o Crying on will is haaaaard.

- Roleplaying the feeblemind I was hit with on Sunday morning... That was fun ^__^ and making chicken noises. I'm glad I wasn't killed by the chicken murderer.

- Fun fun fun ^___^

Pride learning to use a chair...

The resurrection story Sir Gregor told her. Wow, violent much ;)?
Hey, he based it off of what other Sarr need to ensure that they resurrect... Well, Slice, anyways...

Being able to rp with Greg without having to glare menacingly or get in little digs on each other at every turn.

Winning over 800 minutes from Kasuni. Winning over 200 minutes from Mael. Ahhhh, dragon poker.

Oh yeah.... speaking of things that were just outright *wrong*.... Pride sharing the other song she knows.

Jim's tower mod rulezored. And Jim leaving it open enough for some ladder-al thinking.

Being able to help give players something that I hope to encounter someday.

And, the rp scene with first Aeris and Evad, followed by the scene with Evad and Eli.
Just Remeber, Being a plant after the flowery thingy on the last day, and having Brian and JP jumping in front of me fighting over who gets to take death poisions even though i wasent after them, you guys make it really hard to keep a straight face or even roleplay my plant correctly

EDIT lots of spelling errors, maybe i should sleepith..
The Tower mod...being able to pull others up a level by simulating a rope climb with pushups??? Enjoyed it and it may me feel like I contributed. Being invited to go on the mod...not being stuck with all the dishes so I could go on the mod...surviving the mod; only to be rifted out with Polare before I could grab my sword and stand up again.

The RP with Gregor and Aeris. Followed bythe RP with Gregor and Eli. Wasn't sure if I could have gotten Eli to come with me, had I told him why he needed to "just come with me".

The feast...Aeris, we need to teach you some rythm...did a great job on the "Robot" though.

Seeing Greg...glad you made it up. Dave too!

Thanks for the help in the kitchen (prior, during and after) goes out to Jacquelyn, Sarah, Roger, Cassandra, Jeramy, Emily and the Zebra guy...(Never caught your name). Staff hint: gobbies
Nah... I volunteered to do dishes in exchange for food. I just happen to be good at pumping them through when I want to.

Now if only there'd been more food. *sadface*

I can't really speak for a fav moment. Some great rp here and there, but nothing really stands out...

...aside from "Go Teth! *insert various vulgar statements about his prowess whilst stuck at the fae party*"
Let's see...

Polare's antics (Solomon is seriously falling behind here...).

Being Daylynn's first ever successful resurrection (good story too; a bit rough, but good).

The copy-cat game (you're SUCH an alcoholic, Aeris).

Dying for the fourth time in two events--ouch.

The Tower Mod? was eventual.

Double-hooking as G-man, the Llantry Private. Yeah, it ran a little long, but it was a fun challenge to stay in-character the whole time.

That whole "Mr. Smith" bit was hilarious. I had a very hard time not laughing my butt off.

Avaran's grandfather was a PIMP!?; Polare would be proud, I think.

Talking The Mage? into giving my guard The Key?. Sort of. :)

Getting "drunk" before/during The Feast.

Seeing Greg again was cool.

Figuring out that whenever Avaran knows *WHY* he's going somewhere or doing something, he ends up dying. Ignorance is bliss. =)

Sleeping through the Spracta's assault on my/our cabin (that's what I hear, anyway).

The entertainment at the feast.

Pride's OTHER song. O_O

Turning the timer over without Kasuni realizing it, making her give a six-minute massage for the price of three.

More, I'm sure, but my brain is fried and needs sleep. =)
Avaran said:
Turning the timer over without Kasuni realizing it, making her give a six-minute massage for the price of three.

o___o eh? whyyyyy? I am tormented >__<

>me< = does not like feet O___O
Friday night in the tavern with Tiamat the Sarr as she opens the door to feed the newts, who then thank us by intoxicating us, and the ensuing drunken shamble through the woods to find me a place to sleep.

Whining at Kasuni after a bunch of bears almost maul us to death trying to get at her flower.

Watching everyone gamble their lives away to Gregor in the tavern. Its amazing how what seems to be little bits of time can multiply into days.

Getting caught in a feud between two Fae, and ending up walking back to the tavern with only my pants on.

Ohh and most of all, meeting alot of new people in and out of character.
kasuni said:
o___o eh? whyyyyy? I am tormented >__<

>me< = does not like feet O___O

Avaran was drunk off his gord! He wouldn't NORMALLY do something like that...but the guy died for the 4th time in a month; he was bound to do *something* odd. :(
Lots of cool stuff!

Tower mod was cool until I tried to unleash the fury of my magic storm! That didn't work out... I need to practice more.

Drunk at the feast and asking the count who he was, then acting like an idiot once I found out he was the count.

The entertainment at the feast I thought added to the environment. Well done, everyone! All we needed was a band of musicians (or a CD playing of period music)

Getting drunk.

The statue riddles... saying 'Lich' like 4 times and nothing happening until Sarah yelled it out. I thought that was hilarious.

Getting Avaran drunk.

I thought double-hooking was a lot of fun once I got to move around 'on patrol' and rp. Standing around wasn't so fun. Anyway, it's made me feel like double-hooking for a few hours for an event or three.

Did I mention consuming alcohol? I'm starting to think I should go into rehab or something... Becoming too well known for my drinking habits.

Polare and my mage duels which lasted less than a minute I would imagine. Guess who won :

And the vast amount of RP was awesome!

(P.S. Thanks to all the people that helped me attempt to fix my car (especially Evad)! Apparently the cut belt was connected to my cooling pump as well causing my car to overheat before getting to the highway and as such causing me to tow it back home. Note to self: pay more attention to my surroundings!)
favorite moments

Polare Lissenstine said:
-The feast was fun. Good to see the Count in action again. Arranging the entertainment was highly enjoyable (thank you again Cassandra & co.!).

Oh I dont know, maybe next time if I'm given more than 30minutes to put things together I could do something a lot better (as thirty minutes to try and think of very basic moves to teach people whose experience in bellydancing is nonexistant to minimal was a hurdle in itself and having no music didn't help). However, I had fun and it was good for me to just bellydance in front of an audience as I will have my first actual performance on a stage in front of people on December 3.

And thanks to everyone I talked into dancing. You rock!

Other things that rocked: the stealth mod! Thanks to the NPCS/PCS that double hooked, that might have been my favorite mod I've ever gone on.