Faves from the August Day Event

I wanted to take a moment to thank those who drove so far to come and have a bit of fun with us. From Paul and his crew (who always keep me on my toes ;) ), To my down staters (lots of love to ya all) and especially to Mike Meeker for bringing all of our new friends (a NPC Crew to be proud of :D ). I wanted to state that even though I was kept at the sidelines due to a before game injury (I hate low hangin boards :x ) I had a great time and it was great seeing everyone again. That being said, I have a couple of favorites from the event.

  • Meeker and our new friends, awesome on the NPC crew.

    The newest member of Sir Orthus's magic school, I almost totally lost it. :lol:

    Jehan and the Cave of the undead, I could feel your pain, awsome stuff.

    Packet catching, those who saw it know what I mean. ;) I couldn't do that a second time if I tried. I thought I blushed a bit when it happened.

    The great RP skills of our new players, awsome stuff.

    To Bev for handling the Mod Running on such short notice, AWESOME JOB!!!!

    Cooking and serving Lunch as Cookie, and all the jokes that came with it.

    The NPC's outnumbering the PC's, now THAT need to happen more often.

    Elle's concern for her father, I could feel the "Papa, are you O.K. Papa?" down to my bones. Excellent RP Vicky!

    The RP with Dramthin, always the thinker eh?

    The tension between Jehan and Crow, you could cut it with a knife.

That and many more good memories I will take away form this event. Thanks to everyone who came.

I would like to extend this thanx to the NPCs for coming out and putting your best feet forward and trouncing us :)

Hope to see every one of you at events to come.

I normally am not a big fan of the 1 days but this wasn't a bad one... there were a lot of good RP moments, some solid NPCing from the newer players and some mods to really sink our teeth into. My favorites:

Why do I need 2 diffrent responsabilities? ( If I hear the line... "this can be a test" I'm gunna slap Matt :D)
Crow V Jehan...indeed tension... well see if it happens
Defining the word Gypsie.
The introduction of the Lifestorm Wedge in the undead cave
The RP surrounding the curse/cave... good stuff.

my fav. parts had to be...

well, NPCing of course, it was a blast, and im happy to have come along.

introducing Archibald (Arch.) to Sir Orthus (lmfao Matt) congrats to Jehan for gathering a new follower, good luck with your new buddy lolz im sure you will have a blast "learning him good magic." lol.

The Packet Catching (lolz, hilariously funny at the time.)

The Undead Cave (which was wonderful fun)

the astounding amount of hostility between crow and Jehan

and introduction to a non evil Gypsie (other LARP i was in, all gypsies= completely eebil bastards lol)

The Phasing Bandit of DEWM!!! (lolz.)

looking forward to the next event. ^_\\\