I agree and disagree. i don't think Obama’s little visit to congress really was much more than a showing of "good intentions" before he tried to cram Pelosi’s ridiculous bill down their throats calling it his own, so I am not surprised that they didn't go for it.
I think what the republican's are doing now is trying to be as anti-democrat as possible (sans a few bad eggs) so that if this all fails they can tout to the press that they were always so vehemently against it. it's really the only thing they have left since they lost all of their power.
I agree that the Dems should just steam roll them. let America be run by an all democratic government for a while and see where it goes. there's all these if's and maybes people talk about. like IF we left the Democrats rule, America will become socialist. well if so, let it happen, then the people can rise up and take it back... or do whatever it is the people do when that would happen.