Favorite Moments from 2013


As we head into an exciting new year of Larping, I'd like to take a moment to look back at 2013 and some of the highlights there in, so let's have it folks, what were some of your favorite Larp related moments on 2013?
I was kind of sold on the whole Alliance thing when the PC's decided not to massacre the whole Badgerkin village. It was a cool surprise.
I think that I might have to make a list XD Gosh it was a great year and now I'll highlight my favorite moments.

-Finally attending a full-length event.
-Resurrecting. Several times.
-Giant Corrupt fight in the cavern. It was a lot of fun.
-Slaying the 2 Imperial High Magisters. We sure showed them who's boss.
-NPCing for the first time and all the cool NPC's I got to play. ;)
-Great food at the banquet as per usual.

Those are some very generally awesome moments, the whole year was amazing and I look forward to a great year of LARP this year.
Odd nothing about an Axe in that list...
Odd nothing about an Axe in that list...
Because I was in full possession of it for 1 event... No thanks to Meanie the Goblin Disarmomancer.
-Seeing the creativity and imagination poured into the game on both sides
-The Food
-The enthusiasm and sportsmanship

-Getting the Knights quest - and getting one of the major points of it accomplished.
-The recovery of the Sceptor of Ages
-The Gryphon Guard (getting great friends to play)