Favorite Moments: November Event


Got a cool war story? Just want to share the things you like the best? Post them here!
gideing by hand a new player in the darkness whom is night blind so that she would not trip and could be a part of the 1st night of game, RP explaining to her how to use her skills and and then in early "light combat" doing (healing arts) with her and having her cast her heals after i diagnoses what they needed cast as a form of in combat training, but only when in light combat. it felt a amazing to be able to help some one this way because i recall when i first started my path as a healer and felt completely useless as well as flubbed my spells or took forever learning how to tell what they needed feeling wors because no one was around to train me till i meat this one gypse and i recall how much that early training meant to me.

by the end of the gather she was able to identify what spell she needed to cast on whom and when and was participating in Sunday morning combat with less feel and hesitation and a lot more confidence. (and having known her in RL for a long time that buy its self was amazing to see!) :thumbsup:

the morning assault on the spiders and the vertigo that fallowed as the plains of realty shifted back. :zonks: please more cool mid- or right after combat amazing affects to the environment i love it and that RP that can come from it! the cold that swept over the land after killing the fire was nice too! :cold: thank you dan.

as much as it sucked it was fun helping bail out monster cap when it flooded. :sweat: sucks that it did... but the amazing a mount of teem work and people whom stopped everything to help was a grate sight to behold and be a part of. :yes:

lagistices !!!! wow so much faster smother and easier i love the 2 card in bag system, making far easier to re-mim and say emerged in game rather then wait in line and feel out of game the hole time. Sarah grate job. :D

hunkering down in the rooms as the rain pored outside and getting to talk with people rain as much as it sucked got people to interact more then they have before and this helped spread information a key problem in the past i have personally hated.

the maps the monsters the clues the realization there are no earth cercals anywhere in the world and we where an exstinked set of races and that there was no towns city's or anything left they where all dead and we where it! was an amazing proses of realizing how important and screwed we where going to be- where. :shock:

wish there has been more loot
wish the rain had not been as hard as it was.
wish we had a better set up for the runes we made food camp in
wish the dinner bell had been used.

glad the fog and rain fit the storyline
glad the sun came out day of clean up
glad there where so many new faces
glade the new staff did such an amazing job

thank you staff and NPCs for making game happen and thank you PCs for the grate weekend too!
The rain created an amazing ambiance that made for incredible immersion. Despite the flooding and soaking wet garb, I felt like it provided a lot of positive benefits. People were more inclined to socialize due to the weather, and were more available to do so. Fights seemed more intense, and there was an amplified air of dread because of the constant storm brewing about. 

The initial landing in the new realm was intense, and it set the tone straight away for things to come. Having to hunt for our allies in the pitch blackness and pouring rain with little more than a dim torch while not knowing what creatures may be hunting us was certainly a thrill. First contact was great as well, with plenty of bewildered people loudly inquiring what manner of creature we were being assailed by. 

The siege of the ruined keep was fantastic, and the hours of studying the recovered documents really gave a great insight and connection to the people who came before. I felt that the detail that went into the writings and the layout of the ruined keep were really instrumental in conveying the tone of the place and made for a great experience. 

I sincerely appreciate the plot and NPC's who were willing to accommodate the group of players we had who were still awake on Saturday night and wanted to continue running mods. We were very glad that you ran something for us for a few hours in a dry and well lit place, and that the mods had a significant impact on the story even though they were just put together on the spur of the moment. 

I think the single greatest contribution to the weekend was the removal of the common "tavern" building. Utilizing it instead for dry and lit mod space was fantastic, and enabled us to continue fighting when the weather and darkness would have otherwise prohibited it. It also added a tangible realism to the encampments and scattered ruins we had taken refuge in. I hope that this practice can continue for the foreseeable future. 