Favorite moments/things of Oregeon October Event


I was going to post this in the thread thanking the new plot team, but I figured this to be more appropriate to a new thread. :D

First off, I had a blast this past weekend despite having to leave at 11:30pm and drive for four hours in the dark and the rain to catch a flight on Sunday morning, and despite gypsy camp getting flooded (so I heard). It surely made for an interesting plot opener!

Favorite Things:
  • Gypsy Camp! Having 8 gypsies and a gypsy-wannabe was awesome! It was so much fun hanging out with everyone and automatically feeling the camaraderie. And all the innuendo ... it was so much fun. :D
  • Ezreal: Killing Blow 1, Killing Blow 2 ...
    {Me and a Barbarian}: "It is not affected by weapons."
    Ezreal: Killing Blow 3, Fabulous Gypsy. "Ah, did not work. I guess I am too fabulous."
  • The Ice Dragon was so cute, cooing at everything.
  • Masticon: "How did I get to be the leader of this?"
    Vishkin: "I don't know, but I am listening to you because I like you most of the council."
    Masticon: "Oh. Wait, why?"
    Vishkin: "You aren't human and you didn't yell about walking over our corpses on the boat."
    Masticon: "... I can understand that."
  • Poxy: "Hello. And what is your name?"
    Ezreal: "I am the Magnificent Ezreal! Some call me Magnificent, some call me Ezreal, some call me Idiot."
    Poxy: "Ok. I will call you Magnificent."
  • The look on Lord Gyr's face when he drank Itzak's drink. I made the same face when I drank mine!
  • Gypsy entertainment before the speech from Lord Gyr and company. It improves gypsy dexterity!

I am sure there is more, but I need to get back to work!
I have to say...for my first Event (even as an NPC), I was thrilled to be a part of it.

Sorry to the gypsies...might want to look at investing in making a cheap set of 2x4 platforms for your tent system.
I used to make them for my paintball group when we did over nighters.
Needed: 2x4 (use pressure treated), plywood, & 1/4"+ foam pads .
Cut 2x4 to the size you want each platform (if you have a truck, making 4' x 4' seems a good stable size).
Lay 2x4 so that the 4 inch side is flat to the floor, then screw your plywood down (wax your screws, limits creaking).
Staple the foam pads to give a nice cushion platform.

This will raise your tents 2 1/2 inches of the ground, give a bit more padding, and stay dry (as long as tent flaps are closed & tent is treated).
Most tents would need some longer tie-down links for the stakes, which is the only real inconvenience.
Oh my... so many.

In the hold of the ship, slowly seeing everyone start getting into it, rocking back and forth.

Amateur hour in casting the circle.... egads. I think all of our brains were on hold still.

Cmdr. Black - "When we arrived in the cave, the egg was already cracked and empty."
Derek - "Really?"
Teth - "I would even give my word to that. But you probably won't believe me anyways."
Derek - "What came out of it?"
Cmdr. Black - "I can honestly say that I know of nothing I saw that could have come out of the egg."
Derek (to Teth) - "Would you give your word to that?"
Teth (as Trillian is looming over Derek's shoulder unbeknownst to him) - "Uh... hmm... er... no, I wouldn't..." (slowly walks away)

Cmdr. Black, seeing Derek the first time - "Oh, that is dead sexy."
Derek - "Pardon? Why would you say that to someone in passing?"
Cmdr. Black - "Oh, um, I just meant, uh, I thought you were attractive."
Derek, deadpan - "Thank you."

Fernando's NPC - "Hi guys, anyone interested in playing some c-"
Etherian - "The council is meeting. This is not the time."
Fernando's NPC, looking dejected - "Oh... sorry..."
(I felt so bad... and to be honest, I kinda did want to play cards.)

Brumus' idea for how to use the dung beetles. GEE-nyus.

There's a number of subtle things that I thought were played perfectly that I just can't mention... kinda defeats the subtlety, y'know?
That's a pretty nifty idea, Sean.

Yeah, other than the troubles gypsy camp had I really, really enjoyed this event.

Some highlights:
Lord Gyr's panther growl.
Getting to know the farmers and the other Romani. They were all played exceptionally.
The whole "glowing eyes" mod. Yeah. That was equal parts terrifying, amusing, awesome and adorable.
The bugs. Oh man, the bugs. Watching the ants take off with the maps was hilarious. Watching the bugs before taking them back was even more so.
Drinking with Alcondar, while short, was awesome.
Poxy's story of Mr. Fancypants.
The first time Itzack got taken. To the people who caught up with him, you know what I'm talking about.
Alcondar disarming a Marcus.
I had a great time, my favorites were these:

-Chasing Minotaurs through the trails and over the stream.
-Watching the fear/commands fly and seeing great RP from PCs.
-The opening, especially with the sound system.
-Hearing about what was going on in the cave on the egg mod and becoming more and more upset as information was relayed.
-Throwing Alcandar.
-Learning more about Poxy's ... habits.
-Saturday night fight, the screamers were great. Double-hooking afterward was a great time, too.
Too much good stuff to mention it all but here are some highlights:
-Saturday night fight was super intense and it was the first time the Legion had to fight off such an overwhelming force. Lord Gyr pretty much saved our butts in the last wave. Nothing is cooler than looking up and realizing "oh no, they outnumber us by 2/1 minimum...
-Late night shenanigans with new bunk mates Saturday night. Having goal posts referred to as "the tuning fork of scoring." Then turning it into an hour long dirty joke.
-Getting thrown across the gap by Cestiel, who is half my size... Then Hugh... Then the laughter. :lol:
-Getting to go on the high level mod for the first time ever! Then having the highbies say I was actually useful despite getting hit with fear four times during that mod.
-Iftikars break command was awesomely intense.
-Scooting back two PCs as they tried to hold me back screaming "I DON'T WANNA!!!" followed by the chorus of laughter up at monster camp. While fleeing feared.
-Facing true character inner turmoil over slavery with Itzack.
-Standing up for Poxy for the umpteenth time.
Alcandar: "Seriously he isn't a necromancer. I would pledge my honor on that."
Other PCs: "Doesn't he have a dead rabbit nailed to a plank in your cabin?"
Alcandar: "Yes he does." Stares blankly at the insinuation of weirdness.
-Getting to go a little homicidal against the slavers.
-Welcoming 2 new members to the Legion of the Sun, Killian and Tikara (spelling?).
Re: Favorite moments/things of Oregon October Event

That was a fun event! Stephanie (Anneli) and I are finally home, safe and sound as of 3am.

A few of my favorite moments -

1. Reality TV - Eat your heart out!:
- I had a great time with our "watching the nature channel" mod and the giant dung beetles. All the PCs looking at each other in confusion at the peaceful bugs.
- Right before that mod we had a chance to sit and watch the high-level minotaur mod go back and forth between "likely wipe...." and "sudden victory!"... there were some awesome fears. Reality TV, eat your heart out!
- Cymryc's Minotaur diplomat was awesome to watch as he so calmly ignored the moral laundry list of cultural differences. As someone said afterwards: "I like the morals of Lord Gyr, but someone really needs to teach him how to negotiate."
- Learning that barkskin dryads make great scratching posts.

2. Combat RP:
- I loved staring down 4 NPC wild animals at once while swinging for nothing and ordering them to go away... Hey, it worked for a few of them, and that was awesome! (especially when I know they were swinging for enough to totally annihilate me) In fact, the wildlife all weekend was great fun to body language RP with.
- The opening boat ride / D-Day.
- Saturday undead/minotaur waves were really fun, and I really felt heroic in many of those moments, and finally started to understand my character mindset while in a combat situation.
- The egg cave. Poor Burmas not understanding (in game) why the PCs suddenly didn't care at *all* about the wild animals I saved... and then hearing the call for the obliterate. ("Oh.")

3. Foreshadowing and hooks for next time.
- I have to thank the farmer NPCs for giving me a hopeful scene to look forward to at the next weekend, when we attempt to domesticate.... giant dung beetles.
- The ... what *is* she anyway? Oh geez, she knows my name. Is that good?
- Realizing that the leadership not only listens, but changes their mind based on being talked to (or sometimes talked "at".). Both NPC and PC leaders showed some great "we are all in this together" RP.

Thanks again! We plan to see chapter two in January - Work schedule permitting!
- Glen (Brumas)
-Stealing the map table as an ant.
-Getting in a beetle fight with Fernando.
-Gypsies feeding me as a bear.
-Capturing a farmer during a mod and carrying him off to the ant hole.
-Fearing Alcandar 4 times in a row.
-Challenging Sir Iftikhaar to a duel. And then him using a Spellstrike: Death on me.
-Having my Marcus disarmed. I guess I'll have to get a new one.
-Sir Iftikhaar killing me with a rock.
-Itzak taking my 50 slay, then yelling "Evade!" Someone else: "you can't Evade Slays." Itzak drops.
-The final fight in the tavern. I dropped to the floor with 2 body left. Someone comes up to killing blow me. Me: "I call upon Chaos to cause critical wounds!" Him: Drops. JP yells "Game off!" right then.

-OOC ridiculousness Saturday night in the cabin. Lolz tuning fork of scoring!
-As NPC, facing off with Hugh. Lols the "no effects".
-Running after Itzak after he was taken the second time and the massive internal drama that is coming from it.
-Gypsies. Everything about them. Chilling with them, running some crazy mods with the gang, making some of the PCs more jingly, etc.
-Watching Alcandar being thrown
-Landfall with the noises and the swishing of the walls...I could've sworn i was on a boat!
-Double hooking!
-Walking into the Tavern just as Lord Gyr orders us to kill the minotaurs.
-Trying to explain to Poxy why people think he's creepy.
  • The negotiation and aftermath kept me engaged the entire time
  • I rather enjoyed meeting Holly's character Sunday morning, and I wish I had thought of more things to say at the time. I spent a lot of energy trying to remember that name, only to realize that I heard it completely wrong.
  • Awkward conversation with leaderless Broken Chain Saturday evening, including Virid being not entirely sure why it would be so surprising to be sleeping with all of the Legion of the Sun
  • Running for my sanity Saturday evening: "Dominate gas poison! Gotcha!" "Uh, uh, poison shield!" "Dominate gas poison! Gotcha!" "Resist!" "Dominate gas poison!" "Dodge! In, in, in!" "You're recognized"
  • Trying to outsmart the furniture-stealing ants. "Here, I'll take this one, you guys can have that one. Okay, you can have this one, I'll take that one" All while I've got an apple in one hand, trying to play tug-o-war.
  • Having to chase minotaurs all around the friggin' site Friday night, making me think "How badly do I want this kill?" Pretty badly, as it turns out. Frick'n minotaurs.
  • And, of course, how could I forget the Tuning Fork of Scoring?

I keep hearing how awesome the egg mod was, and then the minotaur camp raid. I'm pretty sad I didn't get a piece of either of those.
- being an NPC Minotaur during the Beaching...and the subsequent night stalking. Having little 2 man teams rolling around in the darkness & hearing, 'Halp' out in the thrushes got the blood pumping.

- being a wolf protecting the den...and having the archer miss me a good 7 or so times. Too bad that dark elf had to snap my neck.

- being an awesome power beastie and going, "OBLITERATE" to hear...'WHAT THe...! Ok, how we going to do this...I think we are going to just have to soak this...' Seeing a few people poke their head around the corner and seeing a pair of eyes but not much else. ...Yes, I felt really cool at that point...

- worker ants gathering stuff. 'Mine. Mine. Mine.'

- the several Minotaur battles in the pen.
Ah Plot Favorites (at least the ones I can say on the board):

* Watching the entire back half of the tent sway to the sounds of the ocean and watching those sways get more and more intense as the pipers came to a climax and the PCs were released on the beach.
* Seeing all the townsfolk really come to life and hearing about some of the interactions they had.
* Almost capturing Spook on Saturday night. So close.
* Sending NPCs in as ants to steal the Map Table. Less than 30 minutes later....."hey Holly we got it." "Got what?" "The table." "Seriously?" "Yup." "Oh.....I did not actually expect that. Awesome. You guys are good."
* Listening to the planning that was going on outside the egg cave after the minotaur was Obliterated and feeling my jaw drop wider and wider.
* Watching Black's face as I emerged from the egg. "Um....yeah...change in plan guys."
* Poxy teaching Trillian to head bump.
* Seeing the PC team work that was going into the slave rescue mission on Saturday afternoon.
* Roan walking up to Mixer during the diplomatic discussion on Sunday.
- Roan: "You have to get her out of here right now."
- Mixer: "I don't know if you have noticed but she is not easy to herd."
* The number of times I heard..."Nooo.....stop....Trillian come back......................well crap."
-During the Egg mod talking standing next to Hugh as it dawned on him just what we had gotten ourselves into, then the sinking feeling when he let me in on it.

-Talking Alcandar from dropping the coin down the Chasm to try to demonstrate to Trillian how deep it was.

-Going into the Dung beetle cave and watching everyone go from "Lets kill something" to "... I cant do it". Then realizing it was the second time in one day several of us had entered a monsters lair with the intent to do harm, only to walk back out kind of sheepishly having just stood around watching bugs do their thing.

-The consistently awsome RP fromt he NPC farmers and guards.

-The general feeling of being on a new island where everything we do will have lasting effects.
lets see what did i enjoy while npcing this week?

- i always love big battles, and rushing through the the group of PCs after one pissed my character off was awesome!

- dressing up for my fancy part time tailor NPC (although his main job is cotton farming) but i need to do alittle research and stuff for next time so i'll have a better idea on how to role play him

- capturing itzack as a minotaur! that was scary first aiding him while watching PCs in the distance hoping they don't see me xD

- getting captured and interrogated as a minotaur! it was so cool to be apart of such awesome role play with the PCs :D i was really interested in reading about the minotaurs afterwords for in case i ever get a chance to be captured again lol

- getting dominated along with another minotaur, it was fun fighting my fellow NPCs for a change >:D

- beating down the PCs just to be slayed by Lord Gyr

- the awesome end the the event in the tavern :)
-making new IG buddies. Esp. Virid, since I'm pretty sure OOG he does not want to be my buddy.
-Prashka. Who is awesome.
-circle guarding with Lord Gyre
-gaining an entirely new slaver race to hate
-the fantastic story of Caana slaughtering innocent livestock
-freaking out over Itzak. And Prashka.
-coming out of the game with a longer "to do" list than I went in with

Roan Dari Alki said:
Esp. Virid, since I'm pretty sure OOG he does not want to be my buddy.
I hope that meant "I'm pretty sure OOG that he does not want to be my buddy" instead of "I'm pretty sure that OOG he does not want to be my buddy"
- Landfall was amazing. Getting to storm the beaches was a huge in character moment that I really liked. I was really surprised by the fact that we were fighting something living, for once.

- The dejected look on the poor NPCs face when I hit her with a "shatter globes" was so sad! That's okay, we'll just horribly slaughter you in the next few seconds.

- Getting to be all pissed off that I'd been passed over for investment in the Earth Circle, followed by realizing that Lord Gyr had actually taken my advice and invested me. Then being the one to lose sight of the ritual components and helping to do all kinds of weirdness. Lots of back-and-forth that night in my own head about whether Poxy was actually being useful.

- Never getting to do my really cool resurrection RP. I swear, I was so disappointed when I didn't get called in to res someone that I might've just started killing.

- Taking blood samples from minotaurs and then realizing "oh, wait, they resurrect. Well, crap."

- Getting told that people had to explain my not being a necromancer. Again. I swear, I should just wear a sandwich board around that says "I am not a necromancer" in front, and "no seriously, I'm just really creepy" in back.

- Attempting to communicate with the ants and failing. Attempting to slaughter the ants and succeeding. Attempting to mess with the antlion under the sand and . . . you know, I don't know what we learned there. Other than the fact that Endows can rip off ant legs.

- Jumping over a four-foot gap. Amusing beyond all reason, particularly when they suggested Hue throw me across. The response "metal" got confused looks for only a couple of seconds, and then everyone went "oh, right."

- The heart. Oh, the number of jokes and stories about the heart. As I understand it, Prashka is now going to have the official title "Keeper of Poxy's Heart." It's in a jar. Best Light phys rep ever.

- Getting set to deal with a dragon, then hearing Poxy called over to see a striped girl being all mysterious. Then realizing that Poxy has, over the course of his life, witnessed the death of three dragons, the birth of one, and the rise to power of another. More dragons than he has any right to be dealing with.

- Teaching Trillian the headbutt of affection with Poxy. And having an impromptu competition with Nepeta about who got more headbutts, ending with Nepeta stumbling right into "oh, well, you'll be dead soon and I'll have lots of time to headbutt Trillian." Yeah, not a good thing to say to your uncle who has less than 8 years left to live.

- Wandering over to the Earth Circle to see a minotaur trapped inside. Poxy walks up.
Poxy: "Do you cast necromancy?"
Minotaur: "Eh, not really my thing"
Poxy: (to other PCs standing around talking) "All right, too complicated, I'll let you deal with it."

- Finally dealing in a non-coin currency with the bug pieces. It was so satisfying to finally be able to loot things as Poxy, without having them burn my hands.

- Having Mixer walk up when we're attempting to convince our Caravan friend that nothing came out of the egg. Then, he starts asking all the wrong questions. "What about that girl? Could that girl have come out of the egg?" And in Poxy's head, all he can think is "shutupshutupshutup!"

- Dropping 15 gold in one Logistics period. On the plus side, I now have an alchemy lab! On the minus side, I don't have enough levels of alchemy!

- Getting asked probably a dozen times to make Enslavement Antidotes. No matter how many times I tell them I'm not that good an alchemist . . .

- Coming up with the fast zombie thing, and implementing it well. Watching the player's line break to a stupid little "goes down in one hit" zombie was great!

- Poxy blowing absolutely everything he had in that battle on Saturday night. Having the choice between using a Cure Mort or a Life ('cause it's all he had) was a choice I never hope to repeat.

- Saturday night shenanigans. That is all.

- Sunday, getting to see Trillian again, and explaining what a mirror was.

- Finally, realizing that we're at war, there are no Geneva Conventions in this universe, and Poxy is a biological weapons specialist waiting to happen. Hilarity, as they say, ensues.
elliotbay said:
Roan Dari Alki said:
Esp. Virid, since I'm pretty sure OOG he does not want to be my buddy.
I hope that meant "I'm pretty sure OOG that he does not want to be my buddy" instead of "I'm pretty sure that OOG he does not want to be my buddy"

Yes sir, Jimmy's my buddy. OOG I know Virid does not want to be Roan's buddy. No matter what she thinks.. : )

I thought of another one too!
-- Killian asking Roan and Lord Gyre if they were Celestial casters and could cast a ward for him.
-Saturday nights battle and realizing how much my fighting skill has improved since I started less than a year ago.

-Being slaughtered by Caana, as a cow.

-Minotaur fight in the pen, playing an Earth caster, shattering 3 bows and dropping poor Itzack 3-4 times.

-Role play as the pecan farmer and gypsy.

-Killian ordering Mosby to carry his drinks and Mosby assuming he must be some sort of noble.

-The great RP that the PC's engaged in with the NPC's, be they Gypsies, minotaurs, insects, farmers or wolves.

-The fact that the PC's had no qualms butchering the wild dogs, but drew the line at killing wolves.

-Lord Gyr not knowing where the outhouse was.