Favorites for Maelstrom 6/22


Hey gang,

Let's hear em! Mine in no particular order:

"So Ghost will just give the word, and will kill them all." "You want me to stand up, point, and yell objection. Seriously?"

"Where's the kid?!" "I don't know!" "WHERE is the kid!" "I don't know I got rifted away!" Gooooood answer.

The little girl's resurrection - its a side of Ghost that people don't usually get to see.

Ash's boyfriend. He's always awesome, and the side conversations are always enjoyable.

Death's talk with Ash and Ghost. Superb.

All fights - Thank you NPCs! I enjoy fighting all of you.

Jason, Adam & Cooksey - thank you for giving me the 'She goes to 11' moments this weekend. :)

Word. Likewise - very strong game. I am still feeling it. Felt like a whole weekend.

Somewhere around tired-o'clock "How much was that? 1-5 or 5-0?" "5-0" "Oh. Well ****. I'll just sit down over here then."

Eric made another game great for me. Thank you boss for messing with my head! Always good juicing you and being juiced by you.

Making the hard sell as Shin. His third lie was a bit of a rough patch. Just nod and keep smiling.

Fights - all fights were badass. And Ouch.

Judge Cos^2-whateverwhocares Dread. Awesome scene. Someone has moved to the front of the line!

Running through Nightmare. It was a bit of a nightmare. Nearly tipping out my weapon - again - after fighting so long. Honestly the first time in a bout 3-4 years that I was pretty sure we were all about to TPW. Having to reach deep and pull a small boon to win through was gratifying in a character-growth sort of way.

"I call upon the Light of Hope to Fortify this Blade"

Rifting back and scaring the little girl. Oy.

Getting Ejected off of two planes in about 20 minutes. New personal best.
The new NPC from Seattle paired off with me as a fire elemental:
Fire Elemental: "Come right here into the magma with me."
Me: "I'd love to go on a date, but you're out of my league. A little to HOT for me to handle."

Going Berserk, and waling on NPC's who had no idea what as going on before I finally got dropped, then the Elemental Forge bursting from my Ponytail.

Zehnyu constantly being forced to deal with Resete's insanity, and on multiple locations just saying, "You stay here....."

The balancing act on the wall to get to the other side of the magma pit. I love challenges that are actually physical and require skill.

The event was a lot of fun. It's been two days and I'm STILL hurting. I had a lot of fun, especially with the new NPC. I enjoy helping train people in game technique and damn, she was a fast learner. She caught me off guard on several occasions, and I was quite impressed. Thank you to everyone!