February 23rd Fun Stats!


The APL for this most recent game was just over 11 (wow!)


Barbarians - 2
Biata - 2
Dark Elf - 1
Dryad - 1
Dwarf - 2
Elf - 2
Gypsy - 6 (we are infested it seems)
High Orc - 1
Hobling - 2
Humans - 7
Sarr - 1
Wylderkin - 2

Races not in attendance - Mystic Wood Elves, High Ogres

Classes in attendance

13 Fighters
4 Rogues
10 Scholars
1 Scout
1 Templar
NO Artisans (a drop of 100% from last year...what happened?!)
NO Adepts (how weird is that?)

Among the 29 players, there were a paltry 27 Craftsmen others.

There were 2 success resurrections, or a resurrection rate of about 7% per day.

Of the Optional/Hidden modules present this day, 1 out of one was found and completed successfully.
There were 3 elves present actually, Tauran, Katira, and Asher.
I used to be an Adept but then I took some evocation to the knee...
ThorgrimStoneaxe said:
There were 3 elves present actually, Tauran, Katira, and Asher.

Stats were pulled from the pre-game copy of the DB, and adjusted from memory. New players that hadn't selected a race may be counted incorrectly as humans.
There were also 2 Dryads, Kale and Briar

Now that Kealit isn't an Orc, I think our chapter needs a bit more green.

I had to think who that 2nd Wylderkin was for a while...Saito is too good at being a rogue, she may give Tal a run for her money.
Dave you are never infested with Gypsies only blessed...
Lurin said:
Of the Optional/Hidden modules present this day, 1 out of one was found and completed successfully.

My arm is still sore.
Darkcrescent said:
Now that Kealit isn't an Orc, I think our chapter needs a bit more green.
It's almost like the plot team hates orcs or something... :er:
AllianceCHI said:
Lurin said:
Of the Optional/Hidden modules present this day, 1 out of one was found and completed successfully.

My arm is still sore.
I'm gonna blame that mod for the fact that I fell asleep at about 9:30 on Saturday.