February 25th Event Favorites!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
I want to say thank you to our awesome plot team, NPCs, and other PCs that made yesterday's event as awesome as it was! This event was the perfect thing to start the season with, and it was great to see you all again. Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:

~ Amazing makeup jobs done for the Sarrs and high ogres, guys!
~ Sarr-Ogre duel between David and Adam. Great bit of roleplaying.
~ Trekking to see the Dryads, as lead by Ping the Sarr, who definitely knew where she was going. :funny:
~ Talking to the Shamans about how I was a Corrupt slayer, and their praiseful reactions
~ Casting my first rituals!
~ Messing with York's inability to read all day long. ;)
~ The new Corrupt Golem mask that I donated being put to use.
~ "Hey Asher, do I need to finish my apple before we talk to the Dryads?"
~ Awesome makeup and wings on the Corrupt Coatl! It's always cool when your big bad guy can truly look scary.
~ Fighting the Corrupt Coatl was super fun, despite how dangerous it was. It's always nice to be the one to KB it as well (and the Golem, too).
~ Lighting the fuse wire: "We're going to be here awhile..."
~ Unison "Boom!"
~ Sorcerer "Olivier"
~ One word: Durl
~ Taunting the Corrupt Node after the Coatl was dead

And certainly more that I'm just not remembering! Once again, thanks for such a great event, and let's hear some of your favorites!

~ Alexander
It was a great first event for me! And thanks to everyone for helping me out along the way.

And yes, I agree with Alexander, him taunting York was really funny.

*Being part of a circle. I felt really important despite the fact that we didn't actually do anything.
*Durl and Cho Ko Nu trying to steal my spell book
*Great Role playing in the Tavern(? Don't know if it was actually called that) by the NPCs. Lots of fun there.
*NPCs talking to me after saying that it was difficult to hit me because I have a really high voice when fighting.
*Killing Spiders! Yup, that was a great accomplishment for me.. sh, I'm new, that can be.
*The final battles with the corrupt
*Stealing peoples' cloaks because I was freezing
*The jokes everyone made after I burned myself.
*"Well, love only lasts until that person dies." "Well are you dead?" "No.. ohh I get it. But I think it wore off. You're good."
*Hearing tales about other charas to make me scared of talking to them. Thanks guys, I really appreciated that one. :P
Corrupt: "2 Silence!"
Corrupt: "10 Love!" Well, hey there, Emilynn's Sarr NPC. You're looking pretty good today.
Sarr: "I call upon Chaos to cause serious wounds!"
My little love-addled Dryad mind had no idea how to handle that, and without a voice, I had no idea how to express it. :pinch:

I had a great time yesterday and I'm really looking forward to PCing a full event.
Never interrupt Dure'Dhel while he's busy. C'mon, let's find someone else to interrupt him for us :P

Me: "Hey, did you hear the joke about the Corrupt in the tavern throwing spells?" Benjamin: "Did that really happen!?" Me: "Yeah."

Being silenced and then it wearing off just in time to cast a Shun spell to get the Corrupt away from Brent

Apparantly being one of the only ones looting the Corrupt.

The scroll being auctioned off: "Hey, Cho Ko Nu, want a refrigerator?"

Dure'Dhel wanting to spend money on the scroll and trying to veto the ring being bought

Afterwards when York was like, "Yeah, we didn't get a whole lot of loot up there." And then I'm sitting there, sorting out what I looted from the Corrupt, "My condolences York. I feel so bad for you."

Davion: "I should keep this, y'know, kinda like a hunting trophy." Me: "Davion, you're a hunter, not a scavenger." Davion: "No, more like a carrying trophy." And so begins Davion's collection of carrying. He'll take your costuming and keep it as a trophy if he helps carry your stuff back to town when you go to resurrect :P
Thanks to all the NPCs! I don't think I mentioned that during the day, so I'll say it now.

- "I'll give you two options, you can walk out of here alive, or I can kill you"-Corrupt Coatyl. "Did you ever consider we may want to join the corrupt?"-Gandian
- Matt M in his shiny metal suit of armor and my Dryad backing up every step he took toward me.
- Dure'dhel to Asher at the Corrupt Coatyl mod, "We will die together!" Wise words indeed.
- Talitha sneaking up on me at least 5 times during the event and not noticing it.
- Davion dying not once but 3 times during the last mod, and running back and forth down the cliff to get him. After the 2nd time looking up to see a falling Thorador drop dead at my feet from below. Good times.
- All the new PCs I met, and PCs I haven't seen in a while. Glad to see them jumping into things.
- Brent's speech about leaving him behind in the chasm while the explosion went off...then having the fuze light slowly as 10 corrupt surround him.
- Waiting for a guide to take us to the grove, then realizing it's the little Sarr that's been outside all this time. Ping keeping us entertained as we went the LOOOOOONG way to the Dryad's grove...only to have it be within sight of the Tavern. It was a good RP walk. Thanks Sam.
- The only two staff users in SoMN forgetting their staves. Way to go Asher and Fredrick.
- Costuming. Each event it seems SoMN gets better and better, both NPC and PCs. Coatyl, Sars, Ogres looked really badass. I do think David T. should've walked into a restaurant with full makeup.
- Thoradors reasoning for why Asher should carry the feces and not anyone else.
- Davions first death. The Coatyl binding him, picking him up, running to the cliff and throwing him off before anyone processed what was going on.
- Finally, I run in to throw some healing to get Dure'dhel up and Adam's node hits me square in the chest for 2 Magic storms and I just drop mid throw.
Miss_Katira said:
*Killing Spiders! Yup, that was a great accomplishment for me.. sh, I'm new, that can be.
Hey, spiders have rolled towns before, they're Way worse than most corrupt. hehehe, remember the last one day everyone?
I got physically entangled on the stairs and nearly died because of spiders once
I had a great time, it was sad I had to take off "early" (Although an hour later then I planned on paper) to head to Chi-town, Was nice to see the new team in action for their second event, can't wait to see what else they come up with.

My Favorites

- Playing Durl again, Stick Jockeying can be so much fun!
- Cho-ko-nu's Necromancer listing on his game sheet, as Durl's heading away from hassling him, in comes Dave T's High Ogre to complain about the same.
- Resist Fun, Specifically during the spider mod (Oh no it's the big spider, Walk straight at it through the 4 or so webs, Durl cannot be stopped!)
- Sparring with the Coatl at the end, some things never change, one day Durl will attack a big bad and have people come with ^.^
- Durl Adventure time - Go get the mod hook come out to grab people to come and have five or so people ready to go talk to the lady after I've already received the info, I tell you no one trusts a wylderkin.
- Checking on the celestial casters to make sure nothing appears to start eatting everyone, and the conversations there in.
- Meeting so many new folks! Thanks to Jaimi for coming out from the east coast to cook, thanks to all the new folks for coming, hope to see you all in April!
My favorites in no particular order:
- All the new players, it was good to see so many new faces!
- Finally, after over a year of trying meeting someone from the Celestial guild, having someone pop into my circle!
- Being asked to become involved in the leadership of the Celestial guild and negotiating for a higher rank; I am looking forward to rebuilding the Hope’s Reach guild and other associated upcoming plot!!!
- Casting rituals with pyrotechnics and discussing theoretical and experimental rituals with Oliver (Olivier)
- Trying to stop Durl from interrupting Gandian’s focus while he was casting
- Sarr makeup and RP!
- Discussing the finer points of the various flavors of “battle casting” from both schools
- Teaching Cho Ko Nu that it’s OK to touch paper, I had more fun with that than I should have :twisted:
- Overhearing others say that it wasn’t a good idea to interrupt the dark elf when he was busy (a wise choice)
- Having to bite back my rage as Benjamin kept interrupting me despite the scowls and looks of annoyance/anger I kept giving him.
- Spending Gandian’s money
- Matt and his awesome suit of armor! It was truly epic!!!
- Coatyl…wow that was a fun fight, not to mention what a madness of scrolls (I need to fix my shield after that)
- Coatyl…awesome costuming/makeup !
- Thanks to all the NPC’s that came out, weekend events are even more intense/fun!!!
Me personally i wasn't there but anytime anyone spends Gandians money I'm all up for that.
My favorites:
-Brent's explosives expert NPC (can't remember his name), fantastic RPing all afternoon from getting the materials to assembling the explosive to setting it at the cliff. Thank you Brent!
-Interacting with the Dure'dhel, starting on a bad note and ending with pushing the limits of elemental superstitions. This may be a taste of things to come...
-"Games of Chance" being a complete public relations disaster. Great RP with Emilynn's Sarr, David T.'s High Ogre, Matt's PC (sorry I don't know his name), Sheriff York, and Dure'dhel due to some poorly-chosen names, skull dice, and bad timing to open shop. Oh well.
-New adventurers asking about Cho Ko Nu's skull necklace and asking if he was a Necromancer. :twisted:
-The female Dwarf NPC in the tavern had me laughing the entire time. Great job!
-Teaching Katira the finer points of Barbarian style trading, and lots of RP with her as Cho Ko Nu's designated scroll assistant.
-Trying out a new role in large battles as a general supply person and having a positive reaction to that.
-Generally good response and many trades from the printed trading post price list.
-Making contact with you know who you are, to do you know what, regarding you know who. ;)
-NPC makeup was amazing!
-PC costuming and armor continues to get better each game, awesome job everyone!

Can't wait for the next one!
I'm honored I made it into someone's favorites. ;D
-Finally having a ninth level spell and getting to use a Prison to stop a killing blow.
-Adam missing two Arcane Dispells in a row. Good idea casing Magic Storm after, get your aim back up.
-Watching a corupt walk into the tavern, opening the door and hearing OOG talk and thinking that they had it under control only to hear spells as the door closes. Flinging the door back open and Binding the blasted thing then turning around and walking off leaving it for those inside to deal with.
-Having some people actually listen to me when I spoke up. Nice to know I am being herd some times. :funny:
-Dure'dhel selling the rendered place-mat for 2 gold less then they just bought it for.