February 316 Rumors


Chicago Staff
Okay! Okay! I’m not crazy, I swear! I was hunting in the woods, and 4 dragons showed up off in the distance! Red ones, black ones, green ones, purple ones! I am not making this up. I think we’re all doomed! DOOMED I say!

Have they fixed that old statue of Baron Fairfax yet? It's just been sitting there all winter without a head!

--Come join the bards’ college, and learn to be an equestrian acrobat!

--Ok, now you're just messing with me... Right?

I’m curious for whose in the running for new Circle Master of Westhaven?

I can’t believe my shipment of wool to the Ternian Empire was refused. I mean, it’s winter! Everyone needs wool clothing!

Remember Old Hearth? Yeah, that place is not looking too good right now. I suppose that happens when something is the next residence for Adventurers, and they move elsewhere last minute. A shame really.

My cousin ate some of that there meat corn, then a week later he was attacked by a half goblin half wolf! COINCIDENCE?? ...Maybe.

--Wanna go hunt down some Were? If we get a whole group together we can take one down, if we take it by surprise.

--Uh, I think if it's not a full moon they're just normal people, you can't just pick a fight...

--Yeah, well, you've heard what they say about ‘them’ in Eastwood, and I don't wanna be on the wrong side of history.

Duchess Fairfax seems happy with her new Cupbearer. Hasn't even sent her to the Northlunds yet!

I met this guy Ronald who asked for help finding his lazy good-for-nothing daughter. I hope they get reunited, he seemed nice.

Eastwood is officially an Undead-free zone! Westwood and Gatik will be safe by the summer too, they say.

I'm moving to Centeras, where them magic users can't tell me what to do!

Remember when all we had to worry about was Targus this, Targus that, Magma Goblins, Flaming Bear Pigs, Civil Wars, The Corrupt, you know, actionable problems!