Hello! I'd like to try to arrange a carpool for next event, as I think it's not close to the c-train. (Neither was Jan's location, but I got there okay despite the cold & having a concussion =( )
I'll be playing Math, and I probably won't be bringing much more than you have seen me with at the Tavern nights. My staff, my green bag of 'stuff', plus my costume/armour which I'll be wearing. I *might* bring a sleeping bag to use as a pillow if I'm not feeling well and need to take a time-out (my concussion seems to be coming and going - I thought it was gone but the symptoms came back today. Nothing serious, but a little disconcerting)
I live in the South-West - one block over from MacLeod Trail between Heritage and Southland. I'm right behind the Co-Op in The Cedars of Calgary (which is the apartment complex that made the news for not having water for a week!) If someone is going up from the South, I'd appreciate a ride up, or I could meet someone at a convenient location near the C-Train (such as Myth Games).
I expect to chip in a bit for gas/vehicle maintenance.
Thanks in advance!
(I'm currently the only trap disabler on the low level team, so it's kinda important I make it or they might have some trouble investigating the thieves hideout in the sewers!)
I'll be playing Math, and I probably won't be bringing much more than you have seen me with at the Tavern nights. My staff, my green bag of 'stuff', plus my costume/armour which I'll be wearing. I *might* bring a sleeping bag to use as a pillow if I'm not feeling well and need to take a time-out (my concussion seems to be coming and going - I thought it was gone but the symptoms came back today. Nothing serious, but a little disconcerting)
I live in the South-West - one block over from MacLeod Trail between Heritage and Southland. I'm right behind the Co-Op in The Cedars of Calgary (which is the apartment complex that made the news for not having water for a week!) If someone is going up from the South, I'd appreciate a ride up, or I could meet someone at a convenient location near the C-Train (such as Myth Games).
I expect to chip in a bit for gas/vehicle maintenance.
Thanks in advance!
(I'm currently the only trap disabler on the low level team, so it's kinda important I make it or they might have some trouble investigating the thieves hideout in the sewers!)