February Carpool.

Hello! I'd like to try to arrange a carpool for next event, as I think it's not close to the c-train. (Neither was Jan's location, but I got there okay despite the cold & having a concussion =( )

I'll be playing Math, and I probably won't be bringing much more than you have seen me with at the Tavern nights. My staff, my green bag of 'stuff', plus my costume/armour which I'll be wearing. I *might* bring a sleeping bag to use as a pillow if I'm not feeling well and need to take a time-out (my concussion seems to be coming and going - I thought it was gone but the symptoms came back today. Nothing serious, but a little disconcerting)

I live in the South-West - one block over from MacLeod Trail between Heritage and Southland. I'm right behind the Co-Op in The Cedars of Calgary (which is the apartment complex that made the news for not having water for a week!) If someone is going up from the South, I'd appreciate a ride up, or I could meet someone at a convenient location near the C-Train (such as Myth Games).

I expect to chip in a bit for gas/vehicle maintenance.
Thanks in advance!

(I'm currently the only trap disabler on the low level team, so it's kinda important I make it or they might have some trouble investigating the thieves hideout in the sewers!)
Just a heads up the new lrt stop, Martindale is fairly close to the CSCC. :thumbsup:
Yeah the event starts at the same place as January, we will be shipping out from there to the Dungeon runs. That said, I should be able to help you out since Cindy's not attending anymore, and it'll likely be just me and Dayna.
Martindale is ~ a 25 minute walk from the place we were at in January. (I *think* there might be a short cut that doesn't show up on Google Maps though, because you cut through an area w/o a road, but I'm not sure) MAking that walk with a concussion last event was not pleasant!

I actually thought the duneon run was somewhere else at some airstrip or something, but I may have been mistaken.

Thanks, Brett. That would be perfect since we live only about a block away from each other I could meet you at your place when you are ready to go.
everyone meets at the CSCC. Then we will "shuttle" players to the Springbank Airport when their run is ready to go.
Kaina said:
LRT Saddletowne then straight down 80 ave

I think that's a lot farther of a walk than Martindale.