February Event Check List


As someone who has never been to one of these events before, would someone be so kind as to list the things I should be bringing for the Feb event? I'm sorry if that's a stupid question, I just have no idea what to expect. :oops:
Socks. Lots of socks. Warm socks. Many pairs. Waterpoof if you have them. It will probably be cold and wet.
Here is a Basic Packing and Checklist:
• Pillows
• Sleeping bag/blankets
• Light source
• Toiletries
• Separation of dirty/wet/clean clothes (i.e., garbage bag).
• Emergency costuming: Duct tape, safety pins, spare lacing (especially if your costume is lacing dependent), needle and thread.
• Basic first aid kit
• For PC's all elements of your costume: Shirt, pants, makeup, white headband, armor, weapons, shield, spell packets, jewelry, magic items, treasure, spell book, item tags, pouches, real money to pay for the event.
• For NPC's: black pants/shirt, a good pair of shoes, white headband, or any personal weapons you want to use for the weekend. You may not get to use them all the time (not everything you will play will be carrying a long sword), but if you feel that strongly about using your own weapons, be sure to bring them for when you can use them.
• For BOTH: spare clothing (especially socks), warm clothing in case the weather turns out differently than expected.
• Weapons
• Mirror
• Cabin decorations
• Entertainment, i.e. a deck of cards
• Food

You don't necessarily need all the items on this list, but it is a great place to start from.
Not sure if you are PCing or NPCing. So here's the run down.

NPC or PC:
Sleeping bag, socks, pillow, blanket, a small flashlight, comfortable boots (sneakers are frowned upon), socks, toiletries, towel, snacks, any personal items and socks... Did I mention socks?

NPC specific:
A few changes of black clothes and food (if you are not participating in NPC food).

PC specific:
Food for the weekend, costume, make-up, weapons, water bottle, props, armor and anything special that you think you will need for your character.

If you need to know anything specific (like costume recommendations) or anything else just ask. Hope that helps. :D
Boots, with a recommended back up pair (even if not period) in case yours soak through.
As for the light source, the rulebook said candles and things like that. Is that what I should be shooting for? Candles and a candle holding lantern? Or just a simple flash light.

Specifically, I am hoping to PC. I think I got all the info I needed in on time.
Glow sticks are the most common. They sell some pretty nice ones these days, or the cheapy ones also work decently well. Anything with a real flame is discouraged and typically not allowed on site. Those fake candles and a small flashlight would also be options.
No fires except in the fire pit at Millersylvania. You can, however, have battery-powered things that look like flames, and that's a good way to go. Glow sticks are nice and compact, but you need a light spell or liquid light alchemy to make them work in-game. A diffused flashlight would also work if you have access to a light spell.

The cabins also have electric lights that we generally use.
Slice said:
Glow sticks are the most common. They sell some pretty nice ones these days, or the cheapy ones also work decently well. Anything with a real flame is discouraged and typically not allowed on site. Those fake candles and a small flashlight would also be options.

To add to what Slice has said, you can get those battery operated glowsticks/flashlights that are colored they are work well as a personal light source. You can find them easily at like target.
First of all, Welcome!

I know how scary it can be joining a game like this. Ron and I (Andy) plan on being at the site by about 6 or 7 at the latest. If you would like you can find us before the game and we could try and run down some of what to expect, or at least help you carry your gear, find a cabin, introduce you to some people and run you through the logistics process. It will be a fun game. I look forwars to meeting you (in-game and out)