February event?`


So how about that event? How much will it be? What's the setting? Pre Reging?

Thanks in advance for the info that you may or may not give!
I am kickin' this back to the top..... On top of her questions, when is the pre reg deadline?
I will make an official post later...

$80, $10 off for pre-reging. Transfer/Pre-reg deadline is Monday, Feb 9th.

Plot can disseminate any information they feel is necessary, I have none. :D

Kittyfox said:
So how about that event? How much will it be? What's the setting? Pre Reging?

Thanks in advance for the info that you may or may not give!
Plotwise, there is nothing unusual that we wish to announce at this time regarding the setting of the game. If there is, we will announce it here, or (more likely) during opening ceremonies at the Feb event.

But everything is as you would expect (at least, that's what we'll admit. :) If you have any specific concerns or questions, please address it in a private message to any member of plot.
