feed back may 2016


once again, i remain impressed by the level of activity and character of the game. the people are fun, the plots are meaningful! and the food is excelent! sad to hear of selling the chapter, but that does mean we're going to see more pc time for those sassy owners! big props to the C man for making a personal plot on the fly that i wasnt expecting. all the npcs did excelent and had purpose to their rp. i allways enjoy the rp npcs that come into play and the combat plots are interesting and involved, not just a beatfest. look forward to moar!.
I hurt! Everywhere...
Heat was a pain. But little rain so was a nice weekend. No one died so that's a plus. Treasure was plentiful and enjoyed everyone's company and loved all the new players.
This was a great first event of the year. Thanks to Gj and Alison for great food and everything else they do that makes our game possible. Thanks to Ian for all of the extra work he does before and during events.

Our Plot and NPCs were machines this weekend, with only five of them they were able to advance the story, get the new players involved, engage individual players' plots and keep each fight feeling unique. I really appreciate the fact that even though we had several mods involving fighting bleak undead they didn't feel like the same fight repeated over again.

All of our new players were excellent to roleplay with and I wish I had more time to talk to each of you. To the pride and those who fought along side of us throughout this weekend, I am constantly impressed by all of you and you guys make my events.

See you all in two weeks
Over all a great event. Things were slow to get going but once they did it was a lot of fun.

My only issue was the Saturday night mods were much later, and we should have had dinner time between the double hook or something, just to give people a chance to hydrate and cool off a little. We could have been out of game the whole time, or some crazy time jump thing, I don't know, but ya.

Otherwise, TSM kinda said it best that everything felt very different and exiting. You guys kept us guessing and it was awesome. Double hooking worked out well, never feel bad about doing that if your NPC numbers are low! I love fights where the PCs are outnumbered.

Great roleplay as well everyone.

Favorite moment had to be the Dark Dwarfs