Feed the Llantries to the Undead!

They brought the Undead here! We were minding our own business, and Llantry attacked us, or has everyone forgotten that?! Then the Undying Isles attacked them, and they came crawling to us to save them, while they were still at war with us. And we just let them all in like they were good friends! No wonder the Undying Isles attacked us! They're here to finish off Llantry! I say we let them! Maybe then they'll give the Queen back and we can go back to how things were.
-Goodman Donnovan
No no, you've got it wrong!
Everyone knows that the army from Llantry is Cursed! They were doomed to lose their land to the undead, and now we've taken them in, and their curse has passed on to us! If we send them all back to Llantry, maybe the undead won't take any more Andarian lives. Stay away from ex-Llantry soliders, or the undead will come for your land, too! Inviting them on to your land is a sure way to get yourself killed.

Yeah? Well, maybe you all are right, after a fashion. All us from Llanty should go home. We been in this situation before.. attacked on one side by them undeads and attacked on 'nother by all you Andarians.. our situations' much the same now. If we all don't go home soon, those undead will never be cleared and our land will never be good for nothing again. We got militia gathered now, let's go before more of us lose lives in another foreign war. I say, we leave all you Andarians to your wars and we'll go get on with our own lives.

If we give the Llantries to the Undead that would make the Undead even stronger. And the wraith King wont just stop with them he will kill us all if we dont stick togeather. I know im just a Merchant and Not a strong fighter in any way. But yet I have faced the Wraith King face to face and he wants to destroy everything! The only way we will be able to have our Queen back is if we take her back our selfs. Because fighting with each other is what the undead want us too that way they can just pick up the bodys of our loved ones and use them against us.

Master Xavic
BrotherHood of the Star
Master Xavic is correct. In fighting only gives our common enemy an easier target to kill. The more we fight, argue, and throw blame around, the easier time the Wraith King will have to laying waist to us all. We must all stand together, put aside what ever animosity we have for each other and fight as one if we are to survive this. It does not matter why they have come, they are here. It does not matter what country you are from, what race you are, they mean to kill us all! Rise up as one, show these abominations that you will not go out quietly, leave no man fallen on the field for them to use against you. I for one will stand next to any man or women on the field who chooses to take up arms next to me to fight this enemy, I hope the rest of you choose the same. Stand as one, not as separate countries, but as men and women fighting for their futures, and in doing so you may find a new respect and honor for the brothers and sisters in arms on the field beside you. Stand and fight as one!

That's easy for rich, powerful, merchants and adventurers to say when you're not on the front lines every day! They wanna feed us to the undead, I say, "let's get outta here!"

Regardless of your movements, I would suggest keeping even generalities out of such a broad forum of discussion such as these Dreamings. Whether you choose to believe it or not, your words here will reach the ears of the Undying, and if they determine which route you take to your destination, your lives will likely become theirs.

If you seek teachings to protect yourselves and others, however, seek me out once you wake. I will teach any who seek to defend themselves or combat the undead Earthen magics, as well as the sword and shield, including any combination therein. My offer will stand true until a force is prepared to combat these doomed creatures cursed with Undeath and students remain civil.

During these teachings, I would be equally pleased to discuss viable routes, should individuals or groups continue to be more interested in escape than resistance. Or, should you choose, the history of what has led these three distinct groups to this situation. The choice is yours.

Until we meet, I bid you good rest.

We was all good fightin' folk with them Llantries until we realized they was cursed! I'll stand next to someone an' fight wit' 'em, unless they're inviting the enemy in the back door! Then we've gotta throw them out. We've got three foreign armies on our soil, an' they're all bad for bidness. Them Undead are here for the Llantries, and I heard that the Shalduks are here for the Undead! Send the Llantries back home, and all our problems are solved. Why fight them when they don't want to fight us anyways? "Fight side by side" indeed. That's exactly the problem!

Private Wilkins
Hey Eli,
Maybe you can show us a good way out of Andar that won't get our heads busted by Major Dirkens. A lot of my guys have been getting roughed up and spit on by some of the Andarian soldiers, and at this point, I'd rather take my chances with the Undead. At least I can shank them for their indecency without getting thrown in to lockup. The Major acts like he's tryin' to keep things civil, but it's our guys on latrine duty and in the hole, and not the Andarians. I'm tellin' you, they're starting it more often then not, and even if it were equal, everybody would have their turn getting punished, and it's just us.

Lieutenant Jakes
Lieutenant Jakes,

and any other members of the former army of Lantry. Feel free to seek me out I am Sir Daylynn Jamison-al'Basteua. I will see that you are treated with the decency and respect due any living being. I am currently headed for the Crossroads. Once I leave there I will be headed back up to Keystone Village

Let me make this perfectly clear to anyone who can hear. Most of the people from Lantry are here on honorable intentions. There are a few people who have malicious intent, they will be dealt with. This is a time that we need to stand together; as living beings, against the undead who have brought this fight to our door steps.

We as citizens who embrace life need to remain calm and not give into despair. I'll tell you here and now that we will get through this. The road will not be easy and there will be many hardships along the way. We will stand strong together facing this crisis and when we reach the other side to victory we will celebrate this together regardless of where we were born, our celebration will be of the living who stood against the long nights.

This offer is open to any who will stand with us against those who would see us falter and perish.
