Feedback from Nov 16 - 18

I enjoyed myself over the weekend, I'd like to thank Chris, Chad, and Travis for their hard work plotting over the weekend, you guys really busted your asses. Thanks to the NPCs for spending your weekend entertaining other people by getting beat up and killed. And extra thanks to Becky for cooking for us, the food was delicious. Also, Kate and Kristy, thank you for pitching in Saturday night, you ladies are splendid. I think too often players take for granted the people who spend their weekend putting things together for you. The staff team for the mostly thankless job of plot, the NPCs for the hard work, especially when you'd rather be sleeping, the tavern for feeding us and keeping us hydrated, and last but not least, logistics for making sure the paperwork goes smoothly. You are all the reason we're able to play, and I don't think we tell you how much we appreciate you enough. Again, thank you.

As I said, I had a good time, I have some specific feedback I'll be emailing the staff team later, but a couple things I wanted to point out. The first was that we need better tavern lighting, even if that means having the lights on. I understand that we need atmosphere, but it's hard for me when I can't read people's faces, make eye contact, or even see my food when I'm eating. The second thing was that I felt like it took fooooorrreeevvveeerrrr for us to get ready for mods. I know for a fact that we as PCs were at fault for this, people would wander around and no one (myself included) stepped up to heard the cats. I think if we were clearer with the plot team about what we were doing, and got ready faster, we would have been able to do more over the weekend. Anyway, thanks to everyone involved, I should see you all in February.

First off, huge thanks to Becky for running an amazing tavern! I cant believe you were able to make all of that @ $10 per person! OUTSTANDING!!!! Please please please keep doing the Tavern!!! LOL! Did I say please?

Secondly, big big thanks to the Plot Team! You guys did such a stellar job this event and this year that I cant wait for the next event in February! This year has been a steep learning curve for Alison and myself and there is no way this chapter would have been successful without you guys. You are the heart of this Chapter! I cant say thank you enough!

Thridly, holy crap information download! There was only one time in my LARP'ing career that I have been as interested / as hooked into the Plot but I have never been so throughly confused but needing more! Even as I type this up here at work I wish that I had my Dragonreach map here so I can think about it all day! LOL!!!

Lastly, Jurrikson's mod. I love it when I get to see new players step up and become there character and holy crap, that was awesome. In about 30 seconds, Jurrikson knew exactly what to do and killing blow'ed himself without question. EFFING BADASSERY!!!!

See all you guys in February!!!!

First off I want to say thank you to all the NPCs even the ones only there for Saturday night such as Kristy and Kate. You all were flipping amazing. Huge thank you to Becky as well. You ran an amazing tavern!

Only thing I would have really changed about the event wasn't even plot related, and that was how poorly lit the tavern was. I expressed this a the meal after but I thought I would put it here as well. I understand trying to create ambiance but like Josh pointed out I missed a lot of the game because of not being able to see people.

I really liked getting my stool pushed in by the "Bazzar" mod. At first it was frustrating because so often we don't have to think as PCs on how to overcome something, we just smash it. That time however we had to think and that was awesome. Although we might have given up on the mod due to complexity if Josh had not figured it out because I didn't see any clues but maybe I just missed them :). All in all though I had a BLAST through that whole encounter.

The roleplay for the casting of the Planar Asylum was freaking fantastic too. That alone scared people so much when it came to going to the Plane of Vacuum.

I love that the merchants in game, including the strange undead looking guy, all barter with PCs. That adds a neat dimension in my opinion.

The spirit Sloane was chasing all weekend was a fantastic storyline as well and seemed to engage all kinds of people which was awesome.

Naomi being a "brown elf" and that whole plot seems amazing too. You guys really seem to roll with everything and I love that.

One of my favorite things to see also was that an NPC I had dealt with actually held up to his end of a bargain. It has been a long time since I have had that pleasure and it really shocked me and was great.

All in all I had a great event and had no real criticism other than the lights. :) Thank you all again for being so awesome. This is a great game and I will for sure be back next year and every year to come!