Fellow Citizens of Wayside and BriarPass


Public Relations Committee
Fellow Citizens of Wayside and BriarPass,

I wish to let you know that on the Saturday of the first Market Day of the Spring Season I will be holding a meeting to discuss the problems of our regency and our land at large. There are a plethora of unresolved issues that I believe everyone needs to be made aware of. It is my hope that we will come to an agreement and find resolution to these issues. We will meet at Jara’s Tavern in BriarPass to discuss these issues. I have specific issues that I will address during this meeting. If there is something that you wish to be brought up, please send me a pigeon and I will incorporate it into the agenda. This meeting is very important. I encourage all to attend.

I hope to see many of you on Saturday at precisely 11 A.M.

I look forward to a bright future, where we work together as a community.

Many Thanks,
Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
It is with a heavy heart that I must reschedule this meeting of the minds. I do apologize for any incovience.

Thank you in regards to this matter,
Mistress FallingStar
Any reason dhat ya can tell us? I be dhink'n bout a lista all dha dhings I see wrong dhat I wanna talk bout, but now guess I jus' gotta wait.
