Female LARPers for a Makeover show?


This was posted on another forum - I'm not sure how real it is but doing a search on the email seems to show that someone is looking for some people for a new reality show:

My name is Serita; I am a casting producer located in New York City and I am
currently working on a brand new makeover show to be aired on a major cable
television network in the winter of 2010. We are currently looking for women all
over the US who are I need of a makeover.

I wanted to contact your organization and other organizations and sports groups
because I know from working on other shows that when you are totally dedicated
to a specific activity other things in life tend to fall by the waist side. I
am not spamming you nor do I mean to offend. I just wanted to extend a fun
opportunity to the women in your group. We are looking to bring out your most
positive, confident and assured self with a makeover from professionals.

I have pasted below the casting flyer information for anyone who is interested.
The show is very light hearted with a very positive spin on it.



* Do you have an inner fashionista inside that wants to come out?
* Are you a fashion victim trying to keep up with the times?
* An overworked mom whose style needs an update?
* Do you dream of a new look and a new you?
* Are you ready to make that dream a reality?

Major Cable Television Network, currently casting their brand new makeover show,
is looking for you!

Now is your chance to reinvent yourself! We are looking for women (ages 25 to
40) who are in need of a makeover. Whether you are tired of your old look or
just looking to understand what looks best on you or just confused on how you
can make the best impression possible.
This light hearted and fun makeover show will teach you the skills you need to
turn heads and make your confidence soar.

If you or someone you know is in desperate need of this opportunity please send
3 recent pictures of yourself or the nominee along with a brief email to…


Tell us why you're unhappy with your current look and what has kept you from
changing it.
ROFL... I don't know about other ladies... but half the time I wear my LARP costuming... works just fine and is fancy looking.
She wrote "waist side" instead of "wayside". Perhaps when you're so into fashion, the English language falls to the wayside.

But regardless of her vivisection of the English language, I think this is an awful idea. As the coach of a female athletic team, I have observed that working hard and being successful at something tangible will bring out "your most positive, confident and assured self" much moreso than a "makeover from professionals."

I love that our female peers are once again being hit over the head with this kind of crap. Confidence and success make you attractive, not the other way around. Let's hear it for perpetuating gender stereotypes.

I don't need her to tell me how to do make up! My sarr and soon to be dark elf are make-up pros!
Personally, I feel sexually discriminated against. What has television got against guys who want to look their most
positive, confident and assured self with a makeover from professionals?
jpariury said:
Personally, I feel sexually discriminated against. What has television got against guys who want to look their most
positive, confident and assured self with a makeover from professionals?

We can always submit you to queer eye for the straight guy :D
She saw your profile pick and figured she'd have to go overbudget on a mug like that.