Festival of Fools


San Francisco Staff
This announcement in bright uneven letters is posted all over town.

Greetings one and all,

With the recent influx of so many Wayfarers in Brimm’s Watch it has been decided that this is the perfect location for the festival of fools. This festival normally celebrated at locations with larger wayfarer encampments spontaneously, but of course with the local authorities permission. This is sure to be a rousing good time for even the most stoic and serious of folks. Please note safe places for Pathwalkers (Stone Elfs) whom may need them will be provided. This is a traditional Wayfarer festival which provides comedy, festivity, mystery, and entertainment of the most unique and exotic variety.

What is the Festival of fools you say. Well simply put a time for Joking, Laughter, Pranks of all variety of foolishness which at other times may be subject to serious legal repercussions. Want to have a pie fight with the mayor, go for it. Want to slip an intoxicate or hallucinate in the sheriff's tea go for it. Want to dress like a goblin and hand out “Slug Bait” Candy please do, just don't be surprised if the “Junior White Tenebrous Walkers" come after you. We only ask that you not use any thing to bend others will or cause them serious bodily harm. After all the Festival of fools is about good spirited fun. The last thing we want is the local authorities to shut it down. So please remember you are responsible for your own pranks. Most laws on subjects such as theft, murder and assault clearly still apply. If you have trouble understanding what the limitations of such an event are we ask that you speak to one of the event hosts.

Speaking of Hosts, your official Master Hosts for this festival will be I, Lynn Gwendolyn Elissa. As a fairly new host whom will be taking their first shot at trying
this cavalcade of comedic, calamity. I am both delighted and terrifically thrillingly and bone chilling terrified. I promise to do my best and I will be keeping my eyes peeled open with paste of stickiness if need be to see who’s antics will have them crowned the The high emperor of hijinks, The magister of mischief, the one and only official winner will be the King or Queen of Fools. So get those water buckets propped up over the door, grab your best whoopie cushions and get ready for split your sides cause the one and only Festival of Fools is coming to Brimm’s Watch and you won't want to miss out on what is sure to be the most exciting and enjoyable event this little big town has ever seen.

- Lynn Gwendolyn Elissa

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