So let my start by saying that It was a fantastic event. And I do mean Fantastic!!!!!! So much happened this weekend that I as Dayna, was almost overwhelmed by it. There are some things that I will point out as things that I was put in a a bit of a snuff about, but we will get to that in a minute.
First, Let me say that those of us who may sound like we are a bit bit chy about things that happen in and out of game, are only that way for a small time. Most of the things that annoy us are things that we may not know the whole story about nor have heard it from every angle. This dosent mean that we are upset and wish to demand change, only that we wish to understand whats going on and why it may happen. In my list to follow I'll give some exsamples. on top of that,.we still come out to every game and we still have a ton of fun when we do. We are just expressing ourselfs when things happen.
Friday Night:
There was absolutly nothing I could do about the rain, and the fact that my Face paint didnt come off made me a very happy darkelf all night. So no complaining from me on the rain.
I had an absoulte blast watching the comings and goings as Third and Hanna were about to be wed. The boar hunt was fantanstic! And watching Jordans face get sooooooooo angry when ever Vaegar would say something to him about it. It really brought out the obsucre humor aspect in both Me and Vaegar. One of the best parts was when Noman Came running in to the tavern and Demanding 2 gold from Hanna and Granny for the belt he had to buy. The look on jordans face when I paid Noman and then Called Hanna over to have Third place the belt around her waist was The Most Hateful and Discusted look I have ever seen, and made my night.
Another Highlight and one of the things that made this weekend one of the best, Was after the transformation of the Mcoys and the fight after word. As Vaegar, I was anticipating the pack to show up, and just as the fight was started I didnt even get a chance to grab a spell packet , when two pit fights were standing between me and the rest of the fight. Right away I knew what was happening from seeing Both Kerza and Krocser(?) when the dark elfs from edmonton came down. But you have NO idea how inflated My ego was this weekend. When Dan fell to his knees in the rain and in a puddle to offer me his service in front of candace, brett and rory! Oh what a blast. Now if only I can get the rest of town to follow suit...... :twisted:
I was very impressed with how the friday night went. The rain put a damper( no pun) on alot of the towns feeling, like the pallisade and the market place, but over all I was having to much fun to pay attention.
Saterday. Oh what a Day.

So much happened that I will keep things very brief in order to cover what needs to be covered.
Kuddos to the Plot team member that put together the Arcane Sanctum Mod. I was really impressed by the balance of the monsters to players. The fact the Me and David are still pretty new to this whole magic thing felt like it was taken into account. The door puzzle was a little harder then I though it would be, but that why I dont do puzzles, I am a battle mage God Damn It!!!! : :hahaha:
Having not gone on a lair untill sunday I dont have much to say on them as I think My team got the easy one. Those fire ants want down fast then Bunin with gold in her hand. I did how ever see HOW many went out in to the lairs and I do agree with Dan. Dont scale the lairs to the people fighting, but please oh please dont just end the lair. It would be like in the movies when the kids are playing and hear a small noise in a cave, thinking they can take what evers in there they try untill the figrure they cant and run back to town to get help. If you allow us to scale the lairs based on whats here in parsons it might be better in long run. maybe.
I would also like to point out now that Samatha the little girl was one of the best moments of the weekend. And then to find out she was getting eaten by trolls, and then standing around and watching her get eaten. Priceless. Awesome epic moment of me not doing anything while the intire town trys to bring down JP's troll. i threw one spell that was ignored only because I know JP would have attacked me if he got close enought. Other wise. Epic EPIC fight!
Like most of the others in the group self entitled "The Vandard" or Forloin Hope as we were joking about prior to entering the portal, I was niether cold nor in upset about that portion of the evening. I did however have the body suit on and a pair of long johns, good boots and leather and silk on me at the time. I was a little disapointed that the seven of us in the group did sit around and do nothing for the better part of an hour and fortyfive minutes. Was it entertaining to see JP and the whole sneaky group run across the field in to the trees only to see JP emerge 5 minutes later. Yes. Was it hilairious to finaily figure out that the only person invested in the earth circle there was off an away from the groups and could possibly die. Yes. but yes I was bored. alittle. Though when we made our way to the tavern and I had not even taken a set for more then 5 mintues and next thing I know Burner is coming in and swinging at the inkeep, Boy what a shock it was. But he did help us pay for the redcape to get us in to the castle just as the sneaks where done with thier job, only to be stopped by the gargoyle to be asked "Are all of these yours?" In which my reply was "(thinks to self)....Yes, Yes they are. They belong to me." at which time the gargoyle was subjugated and the psyko king was rescued. So remember Kiddies, when something ask you if your whole party of 18 other people belong to you, you say "Yes".
Sunday: Bloody Sunday
So, like all sundays I was tired. a little sore, though not as much As i remembered when i was playing Aengus. The day progressed pretty good for my side of the coin. I was deeply shocked and a little sad when Ithwada perm'd. More importantly I needed to retrive a little something from her body from where it lay. Am I kicking myself hard, between the legs with an Iron shoe, hot off the coals, for givving back her stuff intacted? Yes, yes I am. Have I learned a lesson? yes, yes i did. Never ever return something to fallen comrades mate untill you check the pouches that she was carrying. Will I do it again when I see the look of pure innocence in the mates (mike's) eyes? yes I will. Damn you Mike for having such a pure heart!!!!!!
Epic Battle time. So after playing Aengus for a year and playing last years weekend event, I do have to say that I am noticing a pattern. which is Epic battle sunday. Now dont get me wrong here, I am a fan of them, there is nothing like fighting one big fight on the last day to end a weekend. But I Have a few concerns about them happening all the time. For one, I know that they are a resource waster. They are there to help us gobble up potions, elixers, scrolls, and the like. I get it. Some people may hored them and or save them but having them every weekend end is a little much. It also doesnt help the economy of the game. By sunday, most of the PC's have blown through thier stock of potions and etc that they bought from PC's and NPC's. So sunday comes and they now have no money and nothing left to fight that finial fight so they may stay out of the fight in lew of the more advanced people to take part who can take more hits. This does not help in long run as some players may not take part in the fight if only to hold on to items for next game.
Myself I blew through almost 25 Scrolls of various levels that I had Gathered up over the winter months. Next game I go in with very little coin based on the fact that I bought up the last of two PC's stock for duskhom which was a waste in a way for me, and a handful of spells. I know there are players out there with even less then me, and I know there are players with way more then me. The fact is I personaly dont like sunday battles every weekend. It does instill a sence of timing to the game when we all know what is coming. There are a few other ways that the sunday end game can go and you all know and have experienced one of them.
On the sunday when the king and ***'cain, sorry Az'cain (my bad cory!

), where last seen fighting in the breach as we were hussled out the portal, we all felt a sence of suspence and anticipation as to what was going to happen next!. The Fourms Exploded with activity and people were talking in and out of game as to what was happening and what might happen. I know this was a plot hook and i know that the story cant always allow for this but I do believe that a no two sundays should be a like. You could have an Epic RP moment like when Brooke and Cory where going at it in the yard. Or when The Fop stolled in to the tavern. Or when JP just happened to stoll by as big bad guy 2 on stilts. There are those of us the Love to Converse with NPC and attempt to find our characters voice. I think we could have just as much fun with an Epic RP moment with every one envolved then with just fighting.
Another thing that could be considered is to split the whole of Parsons Breach into two fighting groups. If we use last games numbers thats almost 2 groups of 15 combatants. Split up the combat and watch as things happen at two diffrent battles. Or maybe a mix of a Split group Epic RP Battle Sunday.

but again these are just my susggestions for alternitive actions to this perticular point.
All in all I had a great weekend Kuddos to the Npc's for both surpriseing use with their skill (Justin) and entertaining us to no end (all of you).
P.S. Sorry about my typing/writing/grammer