"Fey Runnings" Review

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It's that time again kids. Tell us your wild and crazy stories about this weekends events. Post a review, your likes and yes we know about the rain already, your dislikes. Favorite moment and what you would like to see again or maybe not see again. Plus I want to hear your stories since I had to miss it.
A great start to the season!

Even the weather, after an icky start was great by Sunday!

The lack of scaling on Vaults or an APL warning is a concern.
They could cause a lot more TPK's and get reduced participation, as a result.

We had out first TPK'S?
Our fourth perma death?
Our first retirement? (Sniffle)
Great new players! (Keep playing! Please!)

Only real concern for me was standing in the field for an hour and a half as the assault force for Duskholm, which was never needed. Something to do or leave us in the Breach till you need us on a cold night might have bee much better for my back. At least I had (briefly! Sob!) Arcane Amour! With chain I would probably have been forced to withdraw. :(

As I march off into Sunday evening dusk I wish the Breach and its defenders well!
With luck I will quickly find the Golden Griffon, and beg her help with what so interests the Duke.
Had the same concern as Mike about the time spent standing and waiting in the field.
I was going to say something negative about all the immunities of the creatures on Sunday but found out it was just me being equipped wrong and having weapons that did everything but normal damage. I was thinking squarely inside the box and did not even conceive the fact that the redcaps would be immune th everything but normal. Well played LARP, well played.
We could all feel the pinch of being short on the NPC end of things but the NPCs we had soldiered on and did a bang up job of it that was quite enjoyable.
Onto the matter of Lair Encounters. A suggestion might be to have "danger levels" displayed on the Lair encounters. Nothing that will give away too much about the encounter but at least reduce the risk of a TPK. Keep it vague but ominous. I know running away is always an option but if the encounter is so OP that there is no opportunity to run away, that could become a sticky customer service issue. I personally like the threat of death, but not at every turn.
The weather is a thing that is out of our control. Myself, I enjoyed the adversity. It brought to light inadeqacies in my costuming and allowed me to test a no sewing required cloak idea.
All in all, a well done beginning to our weekend event season.
Overall, I had a great time. As with Mike and Kieth, I wasn't pleased about standing in a wet field for the better part of two hours - we couldn't even sit down, and my feet had been sore before we even went down there. I was cold, tired, sore, and incredibly grumpy by the time we got back to the top of the hill, and I just wanted to get out of my armour and sit by the fire for a while, when I got handed a wolf mask. So I just went to bed before I did or said anything unpleasant, and was in a better mood in the morning.

The only other concern I had myself was that, when I turned into a werewolf, what was I supposed to do? Until Sunday morning, I didn't know if the wolf could talk, tell friend from foe, use my abilities, or what. All of that is apparently up to me, but I didn't know that - I assumed I'd be told roughly how the werewolf should behave.

I also noticed the lack of numbers, NPC-wise, especially when we were escorting the king. At that point, we had a 19-person escort, and there were only three or four npc's attacking us. I was walking with my shield raised over the king much of the way, but there was never less than two other people between me and the undead.

All that aside, though, I had a great time. The wanted posters were excellent. At one point I walked past Kristen as an npc with a red scarf over her head, stepped inside the tavern, and heard someone say "hey, there's wanted posters up on the board there." I turn around, and hey, that's the person I just saw outside!

Anyway, had a lot of fun, and the new players and NPCs were great. I hope they come out again.
So I had a blast as always, so don't take any of this as I didn't enjoy the weekend, these are just points of frustratio that I think should be brought up or things I think we can improve on, so don't take anything as a personal attack on any NPC, or plot team member. I haven't really gone into the good here as overall everything was well done and played out.

Screw those puzzle locks though. Having never even seen one of them before we were a bit annoyed that not only did we not figure it out, it cost us two treasures and 2 gold to get the key. I was a bit pissed off about having to pony up the treasure I got that day since I have never actually pulled one off a monster and the first one I do is gone like half an hour later. Especially after giving up every coin I had, along with Mobius to purchase stuff of Philippe's Rivet NPC, and then having another magic item looted from my body while I was in my death count from a killing blow. That one was no big deal though. I've also heard that we as PC's were told we couldn't use ahose puzzle locks, so it's a bit of a double standard for plot to use them. If plot can use them we should be allowed to as well. I think in this particular situation the knot lock should have been used since the difficulty bar was set so high, having to give up a lot to get a key, and then having to solve a huge puzzle as well in order to get through it. Even the marshal was getting annopyed at that lock. And by the by, I believe Jeff (Noman) was the last one with the key.

The in-game economy. We hear mention a lot about not ruining the in-game economy, yet when people have to shell out a lot of coin to get things all of the time that we need, and then important key plot items come up for sale at 5 gold, no one really has that. I do know that certain characters have no shortage of coin, but the vast majority don't seem to have a lot. Again not a huge deal just frustrating at certain times, especially after hadning over 6+ gold in order to aquire items that for the most part ended up not being needed. And when an NPC rolls out with a handful of Healing potions in a mod like Duskholme, we're expecting to really really need them, but ended up not using a single potion and the flowers ended up having no in game effect.

Epic Sunday battles. There was a lot of talk about these. We understand that you guys are trying to end on a huge high note, but they are getting very formulaic. Around 10-11, the NPC's roll into town, **** our **** up with monsters that the majority of us can't even hurt due to their immunities or number of skills, , which is very frustrating. Some people are more annoyed at that aspect of it and some are more annoyed at the formulaic plot. A few others wich the end of game buzzer would happen a little later, after the fight is over in order to give the PC's a chance to recover or finish some final training or in game chatter, like identifying magic items and what not. I'd like to see Sundays schedule/plan shook up a little bit to be less formulaic. We don't always need a huge cliffhanger/plot hook that is a huge battle.

The Lair runs. I won't go into the issues that arose on saturday regarding the lair run and the module that Ben pulled. There was confusion on a number of things that I think we are all aware of now so I won't go into it since I think we resolved it already. My issue is more due to the scaling of the encounters. I realize it's a bit random, so I think when planning your group out, you should be aware to include both noobs and the higher level PC's in your group giving a bit of a mix so there's hopefully a more balanced turn out than TPK'ing a bunch of noobs vs a high level set of monsters, or the flip side of a high level part rolling in against some lvl 3 monsters. It could possibly be resolved by having the player with the envelope, when taking it to the Marshalls, they should have their party set already possibly and then log could adjust a little on the fly when they know who's going on it. Just a thought. I realize all this takes time and effort and planning, so it's just suggestions on where we can help make things better.

Which brings me to easing things up a little on plot. Dayna and I have been talking about doing the fighting pit for awhile now, and we are thinking it's time for it to be put in at the next event. We'll come up with a plan for Abbey and he can insert it where he feels he can give a break o the NPC camp or it can distract the PC's while plot is setting up their next big encounter. The thing is, in order fot it to work properly, we're gonna need some betting by the PC's. The couple times we've tried to get it going people haven't umped in which I think has something to do with most PC's not having a lot of coint to begin with.

I also had a few thoughs about the cleaning process on Sunday afternoon. I see a few areas where things could be run a little smoother and we can speed up the process. We seem to have a tough time finding a bucket and the required cleanser to wipe down the matts, and each cabin has to sit around waiting for it, the vacuum, mop and broom. My suggestion, and I few PC's thought this as well, maybe we have one or two people that wipes down ALL of the bed mats in each cabin and LOG, and one or two people hadle vacuuming ALL of the mats, a broom team and a mop team. I think this would be slightly more efficient than peple arguing about who gets which next like we always seem to end up with, or a group of people sitting around waiting to clean their cabin. So the idea is that everyone cleans their crap out and loads their cars, then we break down into the cleaning squads, Kitchen, bathrooms, LOG, Bed Mats, Sweepers, Moppers, Field Runners, etc.
I know I had a lot of fun :)

As one of the Defenders of Parson's Breach, I thought the encounter and duration of the event was well timed and with a plan in place (thank you Fort McMurray!), we were well matched, kept everyone alive and was able to solve the riddle.

Regarding the Lair Encounters, I agree with maybe having some sort of difficulty level indicated. Not outright, more like the wanted posters - as a low lvl character, I knew i shouldn't go after the Wanted poster worth 2 gold."These creatures are guarding ... a fluffy poodle, a chest of jewels, Foxburrow's secret chilli recipe" ... I'm pretty sure the high level character's wouldn't go off to rescue the fluffy poodle, unless it was an invisible undead vampiric diseased poodle?

Anyways, lots of fun, looking forward to the next event and seeing you all again!
I really, really, like Brett's idea of teams by task rather than the kind of free-for all we've been doing. I remember one event last summer where Lisa took it upon herself to mop all the cabins and it sped that up in a huge way. This will reduce the "Waiting for bucket..." issue in a big way! I also much, much prefer to focus on one task and do it over and over again rather than do something small and then go... "Now what?" I spend more time looking for direction than actually doing anything.
Oh! one thing I remember noticing that I didn't mention earlier: the nice latex weapons and real armor for NPCs was great - I especially liked at one point Sam was fighting a small group of us, and after he got disarmed, he just pulled out a spare sword from his belt - that moment was awesome. us PC's carry all sorts of backup weapons, it was awesome seeing an NPC do the same. My opinion of this may be influenced by the fact that I picked up the giant 2H hammer during the graveyard fight in Duskholme, and had a lot of fun with it.
I echo the danger level idea some indication of how dangerous the lairs are so that we don't send groups of new or mostly new players into high level encounters would be good. As part of the tpk we did have me, isawda? (i can never keep the biata straight a million apologies) and brunor for higher levels/fighters but our newer players/the healer in little amor dropped like stones to the assinates being thrown. the point of saying that was yes i agree with giving some indcation of threat because then we may have been more alert or possibly have composed our team differently like when deciding who to go hunting with for the wanted posters. I do want to praise the lair though having justin sneak in from the side was a great move i spotted him but failed to properly alert my teamamates (something that is so gonna give me rp fodder later i am already giggling with glee)

I kinda like the teams for certain tasks but want to point out a couple small issues that would have to be figured out A) not enough people are volunteering for the bathrooms B) everyone packs and gets their gear out of the way at different rates which would have to be accounted for C) the mopper can't move in till every other team is done so an order would have to be established like matresses,brooms,vacuum, double check nothing has been left behind then mop? I'm in no way trying to be critical of the idea just trying to help i like the idea and want to offer my thoughts to help refine it before we try to use it if we do try.

Personally I like the big battle on sunday (even though i had to sit this one out boo but i get it no injuring yourself is a rule i usually try to follow XD) if only cause its a final chance to get a good fight in before i have to go back to my normal life. that said they haven't always been big plot hooks there was the one with the bee and other random animals or where they kin i couldn't tell but that was fun. or instead of the big battle we could use that sparring pit idea i read about give everyone who still wants a fight a friendly bout or two and those who are too tired a chance to sit and bet.

the duskholme stuff was a little confusing but all in all I think it was ok for the amount of npcs available trying to do both duskholme and keep the townies on their toes i am impressed by your guys tenacity :) going back to the tpk for a moment thank you to the people who headed down to get our stuff. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head other than like i posted on face book i am super sorry to the people who where asking me to teach them archery that i misunderstood.
I’m going to come at this review from kind of a different angle than I would normally post. Primarily because I was in a unique situation this event where I was able to really observe both the players and the organizers, and because I’ve seen the evolution of your game over the last year having previously attended the Festival of Crows last summer.

I’ll be breaking down my observations and comments into two audiences “Players” and “Organziers (NPCs)”. In an effort to keep things concise (for me) and useful I may occasionally come off as preachy or critical, that is not my intent. I am trying to let you know what I feel you are doing right, and what you can do to increase the amount of fun you have at game. This is also my own opinion so feel free to disagree with any of my points, I will not be offended.


The most common concern I heard from players after event was that there needed to be more scaling to character level for encounters with monsters (NPCs). I would highly recommend erasing the concept of character level and encounter level from your thinking process when larping.

It seems to me that the general expectation is that players feel that everything they encounter at event will be something that they will be able to overcome by force of arms/skills/magic. This implies that the organizers are crafting adventures so that the players will always win.

Think about that for a moment.

If the organizers are letting us win then what would be the point of participating at an event. Having encounters crafted to your levels in such a way that you will always win, is very similar to crafting encounters so that you will always loose. They both imply that the organizers simply decide what happens to us, we just go along for the ride. Neither of those things is happening thankfully, and I have no idea walking into an encounter what is going to happen. I wouldn’t have it any other way, and given a chance I think most players will come to a similar mindset over time.

*Dirty Secret of Monster Camp: The Organizers are your characters biggest fans.

All of that being said my biggest concern with the player base is that people are approaching the game and treating it like they would a video game or a table top RPG with a small group of friends. That type of approach is really going to limit the amount of fun for you and the other players. It may also result in OOG hostilities between players.

In a video game or small table top group everything is built with the knowledge that you are the only person/people that are available to solve/conquer the problems. In a larp with a large group of players that simply isn’t the case, you’re now sharing the game with a whole bunch of other people and it isn’t always going to be your time to shine. So on the downside, you now have to share your game time with a bunch of other people, of course on the plus side you now get to share your game time with a bunch of other people! Immersion and character drama/development are much more lasting and fulfilling experiences than winning and looting. Trust me.

Last negative player comment I’d like to address is that games are getting very formulaic. This is actually a completely valid concern; however I’ll warn you right now that it has been my experience that a formula that works is far better than being subjected to a slew of experiments by the Organizers in an effort to break out of routine. Formulaic events happen primarily for two reasons, one of those reasons, the OOG needs of the players and Organizers for rest/sleep, food, preparation, plot adjustments, mini-meetings, tag counting, loot counting, RP and character development time are all largely not practical areas to be juggled during events. They are placed at the required intervals, because they are required.

The second factor (that also determines the severity of things like the “Epic Final Battles”) is largely controlled by the players themselves, and that is where you are and what you have. When the Organizers go through the tags and loot spent Sunday morning and compare that to what was handed out they then gauge what has to happen to get you to use those remaining skills, and get you to expend some of the loot and items you’ve managed to retain. If they didn’t do this then they would not be challenging the player base they’d be handing you a win. They also need to keep loot transfer a revolving system to ensure balance and to try to limit the amount of hoarding that goes on. The alternative is that four or five players end up with everything (coin, items, elixirs, etc.) and nothing can be handed out because the game is already in possession of a game breakingly high amount of materials, that are simply not being used.

As to where you are having an impact on what happens. If at a given time all of the players are always at a given place, guess where all the NPCs are going to be? Break out of your routine and comfort zones, explore your world a bit and don’t be afraid to leave the protective safety of the player character amoeba. Your encounter with NPCs will change to reflect this, first and foremost Organizers react to what the players do, if you are suffering from a sense of things never change, chances are that you have been doing things pretty much the same for awhile and have trained the organizers to interact with you in a certain pattern. If for example you always find that there is a big battle in the center of town at the end of each game, chances are that’s where you always are at the end of the game and you always save your most powerful spells/skills/items to use last (ie still available at the end of game).

Start at the top of your spell pyramid sometime, and use a bunch of your loot early Saturday, then spend Sunday morning tromping through the wood land trails in scattered small groups. Most importantly let the Organizers know that you’re doing this, and I can pretty much guarantee you will see a completely different ending to your standard weekend event.

The beautiful thing about larp is that you get exactly what you give it. So you can decide what kind of experiences you’re going to have at a larp by creating the type of interaction you want and then having it reciprocated. Want to fight, attack something, want espionage, start trading secrets, want to be a noble, start by acting like one, want a love story, fall in love, want tears, mourn the loss of fallen character. Do this, and then let the Organizers know you’re doing it and you will almost always get what you want. If you don’t like how you get it, tell the organizers and suggest directions that you would rather it go, but do not whine or complain when doing so.

Reading Brett’s comment about and participating in a clean up, I think his suggestion not only should happen, but that it needs to happen. I also think that it should in no way rest upon the Organizers shoulders to orchestrate it. That being said I volunteer to be one of the people cleaning the men’s washroom next event after I move my possessions to my vehicle, if my cabin mates will agree to clean the cabins without me.

Now to the, what you’re doing right portion. The answer is damn near everything is being done right. Except for the points above that are really more about increasing the amount of fun you have at event, I found that most concerns shouldn’t really be a problem and are just things that evolve and fix themselves as the game ages and grows. OOG chatter is something that slowly drifts away over time, complaints about it and proclamations that it won’t be done/tolerated don’t really do anything to stop it. It will go away over time as people become used to and conditioned to stay in character. It is physically and emotionally draining to stay in character for a long amount of time, you have to build up to staying in character over time.

Separation of IG and OOG feelings will become more and more defined as players learn to delve deeper into their characters and think of them as removed from their real world selves. I’m at the point now where I vastly prefer my character be killed by another player than some monster played by an organizer. It creates IG drama, keeps my possessions IG, it gives me an outlet to pursue (assuming I don’t final) that does not require monster camp, and it often draws in all sorts of allegiances and favours creating tension that makes for amazing role play.

Your honour system is immaculate and pristine. I have never, NEVER been to a larp event where I did not encounter a single act of intentional cheating before this event. You should take pride in having created a player base that is so dedicated to ensuring fair play and fun is the paramount concern of everyone in attendance. That spirit more than anything else ensures that your game will be successful and become richer and more dynamic as the years go on.

Player costuming... Phenomenal, seriously WOW.

You create small groups with common interests, but come together when a threat appears that affects the whole town. That is a main stay of what the Organizers need you to do to keep the game running smoothly, keep it up!

Your veteran players look for ways to incorporate new players into their plot lines and game play. That is how you get return players. I know for a fact that you managed to get four new players at least last event because of such behaviour. In addition you know your rules system, and you actively teach it.

Even though you know which characters are NPCs you treat them (for the most part) as you would any other character in the world. That’s just awesome; there is no other way to describe that.

Your characters have stories, a history, goals, and ambitions, and they want to share them. I know Josh Lake mentioned it at the event, but creating a goal for your character is probably the most fundamental action you can take in defining who your character is, and what they will do. The goal should be something near unattainable that you will continually strive for. Creating stepping stone goals each game to further your progress towards your ultimate goal will give you direction at game, and help you make character decisions during IG encounters. To see that so many of you were already firmly set on paths you set before you gave me a great amount of joy to discover.

Organziers (NPCs)

I was a big fan of the lairs, but in the future I would do about half as many. If a group fails (or needs to run away from) one keep it active, or even bump up the amount of PCs that can enter on the second attempt. Refresh the skills/body points of the creatures in the lair though. It might also be a good idea to designate about three NPCs that are dedicated to the lairs, and then snag them back when an encounter requires all of the NPCs.

I’ve helped set up insta-mods (essentially NPC-less lairs) with other larps. I’ve found out what works and doesn’t work with them. If it is an area the organizers would like to explore I can present some tips and a collection of popular insta-mods I’ve seen or created in the past.

If I was amazed by the costuming of the players, then I guess you could say I was nearly thrown into a larp-gasm induced coma by the sheer amazingness that was the costuming level of the NPCs.

The NPC to PC ratio was higher than any larp I have ever been to. The only larps I’ve heard of that have more NPCs are ones that require all of their players to spend a portion of their event NPCing. Thank you for not doing that.

You have the balancing act of loot going out, and items being used to complete and encounter down pact. The resource life cycle is a healthy, fluid, revolving pattern, and it is keeping player hoarding to an acceptable level.

You have monster cards and you stick to them. Please don’t ever open the Pandora’s box that is scaling on the fly. Your way is better; things can always be adjusted after an encounter.

From what I saw you focus on creating an immersive setting, and then create the start of a story. You then let the players write the middle and end with their actions, while reacting to their choices. On top of this the reactions have multiple open outcomes that can be approached in any manner that the players desire.

You tie in aspects of previous games to create carryover of story in your game. This makes the world much more immersive and creates a sense of history. The players were a little too set on overcoming the gargoyle to really process some of what she said at the prison cell to the king, but when she asked the Dark Elf, “do all of these belong to you?” I wanted to jump up and down and cheer. I really wish the players had explored that avenue rather than charm the creature.

I enjoyed your game immensely; I will certainly be recommending it to others. Hopefully they will join me when I return next month. You’ve netted yourself a returning player.
WOOT! WOOT! Dan, Dan, your the man! I knew we rocked! Thanks for the words of wisdom & praise.

All have already said all that needs saying but here are my addtional 2 cents.

ITHAWDA! :noway: :whaa: :tears:
I love all the condolences I have been receiving. I didn't know how much I loved her until she died. I have to almost physically remind myself I am not her & to speak of her in third person not first. I've had an upsetting night & is why I'm up way earlier than normal. It takes me a long time to process emotion as I usually stuff it in a box & hide it. People were surprised at how well I took it. Folks, It is a game. I do try to immerse but also to keep it real. IG vs OOG

That being said, Cory, you had me really upset before dinner. Almost didn't eat. :blink: That never happens. But not just Duke Mortis. Ithawda felt a little betrayed by the people of the breach. A little lack of love, a lamb thrown to the wolf to save our skins. Ithawda felt that at least some people had considered it.

Now I know not everyone sees the world with the rose coloured glasses that I do, but I would like to see a little more of the group loot sharing aspect come into play. And this weekend was a prime example of good manners with a few still being underhanded & nefarious. I get that is your character, I accept that. Just remind me who you are in future so I may leave you to the wolves while I loot my kill. I fight as long as there is something to fight so people don't die or struggle needlessly. I don't stop to loot dead bodies when battle is proceeding as I believe it rude & underhanded to stop & loot a body while a "friend" is fighting & dying beside me. That being said I realize not all are fighters & contribute in many other ways. Looting the dead if your not a combatant is cool so long as that loot is shared with the lay it on the line types after the battle is won. My thoughts, not yours.

PS Veagar, thank you for being a good soul & returning my affects to my mate, for my burial pyre. Not to be insulting but, I knew you are good people. :funny:

Most of the weekend was a blast, weather & all.

I was thoroughly impressed with the assistance I received in the bathrooms this weekend. Those who helped there are my heros. The guys washroom was done in record time for once and I don't think we were waiting for the bathrooms to be fiished last for a change. Tara Jo, who got on her hands & knees to wash the bathroom floor, because the mop was unavailable... above & beyond. Thank you my stars. You were fantastic. Totally rocked my world. You all can help me again anytime, Please.

Loved you all. See you next game, when I come roaring out to kick your hinys. LOL
*Skips away whistling, singing & laughing manically*
I had great time their. Wish it wasn't raining friday and early saturday morning but it happens. I blame Abbey for it :). Lair encounters was a bit confusing what transpared saturday but it got fixed. It will run more smoothly next game as we all know what to expect to happen from on. Even though I was part of that tkp, if Justin hadn't sneak up behind me and ganked off the start it could have ended a bit differently. Gotta give you props Justin hide well and appearing last moment like that. Loved that the "Wanted Poster". Great idea to have in game. Hope to see that into the future. Can't wait for next game.
:D So let my start by saying that It was a fantastic event. And I do mean Fantastic!!!!!! So much happened this weekend that I as Dayna, was almost overwhelmed by it. There are some things that I will point out as things that I was put in a a bit of a snuff about, but we will get to that in a minute.

First, Let me say that those of us who may sound like we are a bit bit chy about things that happen in and out of game, are only that way for a small time. Most of the things that annoy us are things that we may not know the whole story about nor have heard it from every angle. This dosent mean that we are upset and wish to demand change, only that we wish to understand whats going on and why it may happen. In my list to follow I'll give some exsamples. on top of that,.we still come out to every game and we still have a ton of fun when we do. We are just expressing ourselfs when things happen.

Friday Night:
There was absolutly nothing I could do about the rain, and the fact that my Face paint didnt come off made me a very happy darkelf all night. So no complaining from me on the rain.

I had an absoulte blast watching the comings and goings as Third and Hanna were about to be wed. The boar hunt was fantanstic! And watching Jordans face get sooooooooo angry when ever Vaegar would say something to him about it. It really brought out the obsucre humor aspect in both Me and Vaegar. One of the best parts was when Noman Came running in to the tavern and Demanding 2 gold from Hanna and Granny for the belt he had to buy. The look on jordans face when I paid Noman and then Called Hanna over to have Third place the belt around her waist was The Most Hateful and Discusted look I have ever seen, and made my night.

Another Highlight and one of the things that made this weekend one of the best, Was after the transformation of the Mcoys and the fight after word. As Vaegar, I was anticipating the pack to show up, and just as the fight was started I didnt even get a chance to grab a spell packet , when two pit fights were standing between me and the rest of the fight. Right away I knew what was happening from seeing Both Kerza and Krocser(?) when the dark elfs from edmonton came down. But you have NO idea how inflated My ego was this weekend. When Dan fell to his knees in the rain and in a puddle to offer me his service in front of candace, brett and rory! Oh what a blast. Now if only I can get the rest of town to follow suit...... :twisted:

I was very impressed with how the friday night went. The rain put a damper( no pun) on alot of the towns feeling, like the pallisade and the market place, but over all I was having to much fun to pay attention.


Saterday. Oh what a Day. :) So much happened that I will keep things very brief in order to cover what needs to be covered.
Kuddos to the Plot team member that put together the Arcane Sanctum Mod. I was really impressed by the balance of the monsters to players. The fact the Me and David are still pretty new to this whole magic thing felt like it was taken into account. The door puzzle was a little harder then I though it would be, but that why I dont do puzzles, I am a battle mage God Damn It!!!! : :hahaha:

Having not gone on a lair untill sunday I dont have much to say on them as I think My team got the easy one. Those fire ants want down fast then Bunin with gold in her hand. I did how ever see HOW many went out in to the lairs and I do agree with Dan. Dont scale the lairs to the people fighting, but please oh please dont just end the lair. It would be like in the movies when the kids are playing and hear a small noise in a cave, thinking they can take what evers in there they try untill the figrure they cant and run back to town to get help. If you allow us to scale the lairs based on whats here in parsons it might be better in long run. maybe. :D

I would also like to point out now that Samatha the little girl was one of the best moments of the weekend. And then to find out she was getting eaten by trolls, and then standing around and watching her get eaten. Priceless. Awesome epic moment of me not doing anything while the intire town trys to bring down JP's troll. i threw one spell that was ignored only because I know JP would have attacked me if he got close enought. Other wise. Epic EPIC fight!


Like most of the others in the group self entitled "The Vandard" or Forloin Hope as we were joking about prior to entering the portal, I was niether cold nor in upset about that portion of the evening. I did however have the body suit on and a pair of long johns, good boots and leather and silk on me at the time. I was a little disapointed that the seven of us in the group did sit around and do nothing for the better part of an hour and fortyfive minutes. Was it entertaining to see JP and the whole sneaky group run across the field in to the trees only to see JP emerge 5 minutes later. Yes. Was it hilairious to finaily figure out that the only person invested in the earth circle there was off an away from the groups and could possibly die. Yes. but yes I was bored. alittle. Though when we made our way to the tavern and I had not even taken a set for more then 5 mintues and next thing I know Burner is coming in and swinging at the inkeep, Boy what a shock it was. But he did help us pay for the redcape to get us in to the castle just as the sneaks where done with thier job, only to be stopped by the gargoyle to be asked "Are all of these yours?" In which my reply was "(thinks to self)....Yes, Yes they are. They belong to me." at which time the gargoyle was subjugated and the psyko king was rescued. So remember Kiddies, when something ask you if your whole party of 18 other people belong to you, you say "Yes".

Sunday: Bloody Sunday

So, like all sundays I was tired. a little sore, though not as much As i remembered when i was playing Aengus. The day progressed pretty good for my side of the coin. I was deeply shocked and a little sad when Ithwada perm'd. More importantly I needed to retrive a little something from her body from where it lay. Am I kicking myself hard, between the legs with an Iron shoe, hot off the coals, for givving back her stuff intacted? Yes, yes I am. Have I learned a lesson? yes, yes i did. Never ever return something to fallen comrades mate untill you check the pouches that she was carrying. Will I do it again when I see the look of pure innocence in the mates (mike's) eyes? yes I will. Damn you Mike for having such a pure heart!!!!!! :D

Epic Battle time. So after playing Aengus for a year and playing last years weekend event, I do have to say that I am noticing a pattern. which is Epic battle sunday. Now dont get me wrong here, I am a fan of them, there is nothing like fighting one big fight on the last day to end a weekend. But I Have a few concerns about them happening all the time. For one, I know that they are a resource waster. They are there to help us gobble up potions, elixers, scrolls, and the like. I get it. Some people may hored them and or save them but having them every weekend end is a little much. It also doesnt help the economy of the game. By sunday, most of the PC's have blown through thier stock of potions and etc that they bought from PC's and NPC's. So sunday comes and they now have no money and nothing left to fight that finial fight so they may stay out of the fight in lew of the more advanced people to take part who can take more hits. This does not help in long run as some players may not take part in the fight if only to hold on to items for next game.

Myself I blew through almost 25 Scrolls of various levels that I had Gathered up over the winter months. Next game I go in with very little coin based on the fact that I bought up the last of two PC's stock for duskhom which was a waste in a way for me, and a handful of spells. I know there are players out there with even less then me, and I know there are players with way more then me. The fact is I personaly dont like sunday battles every weekend. It does instill a sence of timing to the game when we all know what is coming. There are a few other ways that the sunday end game can go and you all know and have experienced one of them.

On the sunday when the king and ***'cain, sorry Az'cain (my bad cory! :D ), where last seen fighting in the breach as we were hussled out the portal, we all felt a sence of suspence and anticipation as to what was going to happen next!. The Fourms Exploded with activity and people were talking in and out of game as to what was happening and what might happen. I know this was a plot hook and i know that the story cant always allow for this but I do believe that a no two sundays should be a like. You could have an Epic RP moment like when Brooke and Cory where going at it in the yard. Or when The Fop stolled in to the tavern. Or when JP just happened to stoll by as big bad guy 2 on stilts. There are those of us the Love to Converse with NPC and attempt to find our characters voice. I think we could have just as much fun with an Epic RP moment with every one envolved then with just fighting.

Another thing that could be considered is to split the whole of Parsons Breach into two fighting groups. If we use last games numbers thats almost 2 groups of 15 combatants. Split up the combat and watch as things happen at two diffrent battles. Or maybe a mix of a Split group Epic RP Battle Sunday. :D but again these are just my susggestions for alternitive actions to this perticular point.

All in all I had a great weekend Kuddos to the Npc's for both surpriseing use with their skill (Justin) and entertaining us to no end (all of you).

P.S. Sorry about my typing/writing/grammer
After reading Dan's post, my opinion changed back to keeping the Lair Encounters random. Life is random, so be prepared to run away if you are in over your head.

Ithwda's death ... some of the magic left the game with her death. When I NPC'd my first 2 events, I was fascinated with the Biata. Now we are down to one. She will be missed.
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