Field Scribes Wanted

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff

The last few years have yielded many advancements against the Corrupt and other threats that have plagued eastern Gaden, and it is well-acknowledged that many of these triumphs have been achieved through the assistance of the adventuring community in the region. However, records regarding the doings of the adventurers that result in these triumphs are minimal at best, and we at the Society of Truth are interested in keeping more complete records going forward. If something happens, the Society wants to know about it and the key people involved in order for us to compile the most accurate historical record possible, for a good knowledge of the past and present is the best preparation one can have for the future.

This being said, we are looking for two members of the adventuring community to assist in the preservation of history by keeping detailed records of the community’s doings at each of your gatherings. We would like these Field Scribes for the Society to submit sufficient records of as many of the happenings that take place during the adventuring gatherings as it is feasible for them to record, with these records being submitted within a week after the end of each gathering taking place over the next months. For those that believe that the preservation of knowledge is not enough of a reward, the Society is offering basic access to the Society’s library, as well as occasional other rewards depending on the quality of the Field Scribes’ work. Objectivity and neutrality are important in the documentation of history, and we would ask these Field Scribes strive to ensure their records remain completely accurate and unskewed in their details, with all perks given by the Society being immediately removed if a Field Scribe is discovered to be falsifying information.

Those interested should contact me by pigeon in Tunaria. Needless to say, being able to read and write is a necessity for the position.

- Waldo Daltons
Society of Truth
Goodman Daltons, are you still seeking scribes or have the positions been filled?
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Guildsman Ilana,

The Society is indeed still looking for Field Scribes. If you are interested, I would ask that you to contact me in Tunaria by pigeon so that we can discuss terms more personally.

- Waldo Daltons
Society of Truth
I not read. I not write. But I fight and I remember. Does this help. Illana are you a great shaman?

I can help out- though I am not always at the forefront of the ongoings each market day, I am willing to record what I can.

Anyone who cannot, or does not wish to, put their stories down on paper would be welcome to allow me to do so. It sounds like a worthy cause.

Also, would the Society be interested in records pertaining to the adventurers' deeds back the last year or two? If so, I could see what I can produce over the winter season about that as well.

-Benjamin Bookworm
Mister Bookworm,

The Society would definitely be interested in records of the adventurers' past doings and would graciously accept records detailing these actions.

Mister Kuyak,

While I am certain you are valiant as a warrior and your memory is keen, the Society is mostly interested in written records of events for our libraries, so perhaps your involvement with us will have to wait until after you learn to read and write. In the meantime, perhaps Mister Bookworm would be willing to transcribe onto paper any information you have to contribute to the Society.

- Waldo Daltons
Society of Truth