Final Pre-registration for the August event (CLOSED)


You may still show up and pay at the door of course!

1. Heidi Hooper
2. William Duffy (2 breakfasts, dinner, Arch Enemies :D )
3. Aurora Ellis (2 breakfasts, dinner)
4. Erica Stephenson
5. Christine Maudlin (dinner)
6. Chad Winters
7. Meghan Downs
8. Marissa Livollen (2 breakfasts, dinner)
9. Tim Curry (2 breakfasts, dinner)
10. Trevor Murray
11. Amelia Lizak (dinner)
12. Eric Stehle
13. William Gibbs
14. Danny Perez (1 breakfast, dinner)
15. Sheila Haswell (2 breakfasts, dinner)

1. Sharon Fruchtman (dinner)
2. Elissa Ward (2 breakfasts, dinner)

NOTE: a few people didn't make it or had to cancel the last event. Please contact Mike Engler ( and have him send me confirmation that you will use your credit for the next event! Thanks!
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

glori will be there.
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

My guest is Tim.


Re: Pre-registration for the August event

Also I registered us both for all 3 meals, did you get that?
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

The Tim Marissa is talking about is Tim Curry, I'm sure.

Re: Pre-registration for the August event

Yes sorry it is, i thought that would be obvious... Thanks Ali. Also are cabins still available?
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

Need common room space for 4. other 2 pre registering soon 2 already pre registered.
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

My second is Aurora Ellis thanks Mike
Re: Pre-registration for the August event


Please add me to the pre-registration list. Thanks!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

Sharon Fruchtman is NPCing the event. That payment was for Samantha Lizak and myself.
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

Ren Suzume said:
Sharon Fruchtman is NPCing the event. That payment was for Samantha Lizak and myself.

Aha! I knew there was another one!!
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

Can you apply my pre-reg to this event from when I could not go in July?

I will be there.... also I need space in common room.
Sym will be there.


Onitt Hernandez

PS- put me down for 2 Breakfasts. (I will pay for those on site)
Re: Pre-registration for the August event

Sym of Moria said:
Can you apply my pre-reg to this event from when I could not go in July?

I will be there.... also I need space in common room.
Sym will be there.


Onitt Hernandez

PS- put me down for 2 Breakfasts. (I will pay for those on site)

Our policy for missed events is this: Email and let Mike know, because he keeps track of all the credits and I have a terrible memory and don't pay attention to that stuff anyway. He'll email me and say to add on a person and I will!
Hmmm... that's funny. I have a PayPal receipt from Sunday saying my payment for the event was received, but I did not get on the list.

Is there something I should do here?

And is it possible that anyone else was missed?

Just being concerned.

Natalia said:
Hmmm... that's funny. I have a PayPal receipt from Sunday saying my payment for the event was received, but I did not get on the list.

Is there something I should do here?

And is it possible that anyone else was missed?

Just being concerned.


tell me what email you used when signing up and I'll check for it; sometimes the emails get missed... not often, but it does happen. I'm not perfect. :D