Final Reminder about the April 16th One-Day


The weather forecast for this weekend looks fantastic for a one day. Even if you haven't pre-reg'd you should come out to Island Lake Recreation Area starting at 10:00 am for our first one-day.

We're going to be at the Dodge Shelter which has all the amenities that we might need, including bathrooms. To get there, enter the park off of Kensington Road (exit 151 off I-96), turn right after the park gate, and follow Kent Lake Beach road all the way around toward the West side of the park (you'll pass under Kensington Road if you're going the right way) . If you think you missed it, you haven't gone far enough (unless you've passed over the railroad tracks twice, in which case, you're almost there).

(If you think you're lost give me a call at, 248- 320-1981)

We are not bringing food, so if you need food to survive you may want to bring some with you. Also, don't forget sunscreen.

Can't wait to see everyone who can make it out.

Matt Ferrara


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Correction to the directions, turn left into the park, take the first right at the three way stop. Continue past two railroad tracks (one is over head one you drive over) at second rail road tracks you have made it! all the way in the back past the pond. (Several miles) WATCH OUT FOR BIKERS THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!