Fire rules?


I posted on the facebook page but it got buried, so I'm doubling down.
What are the site restrictions on using the fire pits for cooking? We had planned on bringing our own grub, assuming we could utilize the kitchen if not allowed to use a fire pit, but with the PC meal plan being introduced, it seems unlikely that we'll get the chance to do so seeing as the kitchen will be twice as utilized. Just seeing if our original plan will work out or if we should get on the meal plan and save ourselves the headache.
I know the following two things:

I've seen a campfire at least once at Miller (down in the swamp area). I also know that camp grills have been brought and used more than a few times.
As I understand it, the camps allow you to have a a fire going in a fire pit as long as:

1. The fire danger is low. This varies between time of year, I'm fairly certain that the site sets these guidelines and gives a 'yay' or 'nay' based off of the individual weekend.
2. Someone over 18 must be tending the fire the entire time it's lit. At no time may the fire be left untended.

Those are just the sites requirements, mind you. Each site is likely different and the LARP staff, obviously, has final say as to whether or not a fire is allowed, regardless of if the site allows one or not.

I have seen propane-fired camp grills utilized by players to make their meals. You should wear a white headband and not engage or be engaged in combat while using it. You should also not leave it unattended until you're finished with it.

And, as always, no open flames in any of the cabins.
I wonder if it counts as untended or not if Wil is on fire and nobody else is around...