First Time PC -- A little bit confused and hoping for clarification


Hello! My name is Amber-Rose (or Andy) and I'm very excited to be coming to the event at the end of the month. This will be my first time playing a PC at an Alliance LARP, although I have been NPCing with the Seattle chapter for the better part of the last year.

My question is this: I have acquired a number of experience blankets from the events I have attended, so I have the good fortune of being able to start off my character with a few extra skills under their belt, and I was wondering if the character needs to be approved by the Seattle team first and then transferred, since the experience was earned with them. I have no intention of ever playing this character at the Seattle events, but I do hope to continue feeding the experience I earn NPCing into it.

I'm sorry if this question is answered somewhere and I missed it, but I have spent the better part of the last three days trying to find the answer for myself without any luck. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my silly little question.
The only things that would have to be approved up there are whatever racial choices you have made if you were playing a wylderkyn. If you are not playing Kyn, you should only have to send them your build expenditure and things like a name.

If you are talking about having a backstory approved, then yes, you will have to have it approved by the Plot team for the chapter that you wish to house the character in. If you want them to be from the game world of the Oregon chapter, then that will have to be the Oregon plot team and I would suggest having the character housed in Oregon. If you want the character to be from the Seattle chapter you can do that too. If your character is housed in Seattle, you can still play it in Oregon. In fact, you can play it in Oregon and never in Seattle with it being housed in Seattle. Sounds weird, but it's true.

What you need to do is:
  1. Email Seattle logistics and find out how much build you have on your character.
  2. With that information, let them know what skills you want to buy. You do not need Teacher cards for skills if you have never played the character before.
  3. Ask them to transfer the character down for the Oregon events that you wish to participate in.
Note that step #3 is only if you do not have the character moved and housed in Oregon. You never need to ask your home chapter to have your character moved.

Does this help? Or did I make it worse. :p

If you are looking for a min/max kind of GET MOAR BUILD thing going on, what I would recommend is:
  1. Contact Seattle logistics to have your character permanently moved to Oregon.
  2. Work with the Oregon Plot team to get an approved backstory.
  3. When the backstory is completed and approved, have the 60 goblin stamps applied for a weekend Oregon event. We had one in December, so this shouldn't be a problem.
  4. Now that you have an Oregon character, contact Oregon's Logistics team to find out your total build.
  5. Send what skills you would like to have to the Oregon Logistics team.
  6. Await a swanky email from Norm (Oregon Logistics) saying everything is good to go.
  7. Come to game with a sweet background tie-in and a little more build!
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Uh. Rick.

How would that actually maximize her build potential, being that her Goblin Stamps (which she'll use to purchase Monthly Blankets with) are based in Seattle, not Oregon? This would actually reduce her potential build. :P
Uh. Rick.

How would that actually maximize her build potential, being that her Goblin Stamps (which she'll use to purchase Monthly Blankets with) are based in Seattle, not Oregon? This would actually reduce her potential build. :p
Because she would get 60 from completing the Oregon backstory and get Oregon gobbies to buy back an Oregon event. :)
With the backstory approval she gets them and can blanket the event without being housed in Oregon. You may always blanket an event with gobbies from that chapter. You're thinking of monthly blankets, which sounds like she is already doing.
What Ben said. You don't need to have your character housed in Seattle's database in order to have your character backstory exist in Seattle, or vice versa. It's an understandable error, though (only a few folks really PC in one and NPC in the other).
I'm going to attempt to distill this discussion into something a bit more direct and answer-y.

Your character's "Home Chapter" is currently Alliance Seattle. This has a few effects:
  • Before each Oregon (or any other non-Seattle Alliance) game, you need to email to tell them to transfer your character for the purposes of the event.
  • To spend build for that character, you email
  • You can use Alliance Seattle goblin stamps to purchase "Monthly Blankets" for that character. (Not a terribly well advertised feature, but it gives your character 1 day's worth of experience each month for a cost of 30 GS. If you intend to continue NPCing in Seattle, I would recommend emailing to have them put you on the list, if you haven't already.)
  • If you are a Wylderkin, will need to approve your racials.
In particular, it has no effect on the following:
  • You can play your Alliance character in any chapter (just give your home chapter the aforementioned heads-up each game)
  • If you want your character to have originated in the lands related to the Alliance Oregon campaign, you can still submit your back story to and request local race/culture packets. (I recommend this option, since it can give your character more of a tie-in to the world, and sometimes even to current plots.)
  • You can spend Alliance Oregon gobbies to back-blanket some past Oregon events for additional XP (email both Oregon and your home chapter)
  • You can still get XP for that character from NPCing at any chapter. (When you check in, just say which chapter your character is homed in.)
It is absolutely possible to have your character homed in Alliance Seattle, but only ever PC her in Alliance Oregon. I am one such person, and it's a popular option for people who NPC regularly in the other chapter, because the flow of gobbies from NPCing can generally keep you in monthly blankets.
It is also possible for you to transfer your character's Home Chapter if you decide you would rather Alliance Oregon logistics team to handle your build. This would be the more convenient option if you weren't planning to NPC in Alliance Seattle regularly anymore.
Logistics teams don't tend to be territorial about that kind of thing, so just pick whichever makes more sense for you.

Hope that helps more than adding to the wall of text!
Oh my goodness -- thank you guys for going so far in answering my questions! All this really helps, and thank you for those tips on maximizing BP. I wish I had known about those monthly blankets before! I'll make sure to get myself on that list in the future.

I've sent my email to Seattle find out what I have to work with right now, and I will sort out all of the build details with them. It seems like the easiest thing to do will be to house the character with them, and play her with you. In the meantime I am going to send out for the local race and culture packets so I can put together an Oregon appropriate backstory.

Because she would get 60 from completing the Oregon backstory and get Oregon gobbies to buy back an Oregon event. :)

On the new player page of Alliance Oregon website, it says that if you get your backstory approved for your character you can start at level two instead of at level one. I'm wondering how that would apply in my case, if that is still accurate information, and/or if that was what Durnic was referring to in his post that I quoted above. If it is just a matter of "you start character building at 25 BP instead of 15", then should I calculate the EXP I have accumulated from the Seattle events as if they happened after those ten extra BP were applied?
Hi Andy (you said that was okay above),

Im Norm (Logistics guy for Oregon and also Plot for Oregon).

Jimmy is correct. He Broke it down well.

So the "starting at level two" is an archaic reference. Many players come in with NPCing for a bit now to feel out our game. So they start at higher level than level 2 any way. How it should read is that you get 60 goblin stamps to spend on either buying back an event or saving for future use. We will look into correcting that.
Excellent -- That makes more much sense.

I will certainly be using the points to back-blanket a past event.

Thank you guys so much for your help!
Saying "start at level two instead of level one!" is simpler for people who have never LARP'd before to understand. Otherwise I have to do this discussion about how you get goblin stamps which can be used to buy back and event which gives you enough XP to come in at 25 build, which is equivalent to level two.