First Timer!

I heard about this game through my Friend Duffy last year and joined but couldn't go to any events due to a leg injury. I did buy the books and Duffy brought them to me, but I want to be a gypsy and the rule book doesn't have enough information about them for me to finish my character. Duffy told me that there are race packets for each race and was wondering if I could get one E-mailed to me or if I can get one mailed to me. I looked up information about real gypsy's and could base my character on that but I don't want to say something that is true in their real history, but is the contrary in the game. If you could assist me in this matter it would be appreciated. I am probably going to the April 4 - 6 event and would like to have my character ready by then. If needed I can pay postage. Also I don't remember if I paid a 3 month membership or a 1 year membership last year so if you can get back to me on that it would be appreciated.
thank you for your time
-Anthony Cantanno

I hope your leg is better!

As for the Race Packet, yes, you should be able to get one before the April event and I highly recommend using it as the basis for your character as opposed to historical gypsies! I would contact Mike Ventrella (Fearless Leader) about the Race Packet and how to go about getting one.

See you at the April event!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Somewhere on this site should be the mailing address for HQ. Send a SASE, the size of an unfolded piece of paper (however envelopes are classified), to that address with a note requesting the proper race packet.

Also, you are able to change anything about your character after the first time you play. This can be as simple a changing one skill or as massive as changing race and class ad your entire background. To get an idea of what kind of character to play I would suggest NPCing your first event. That way you can try out everything or at least see how most things work. You can pick up a race packet at Logistics before you leave and then create your new character with the added build points from NPCing.

Mike Engler
HQ Logistics
Better to NPC your first event or two to get a feel of the game and a chance to play different characters and classes.
NPCing as a first timer is a great idea.

When you come into monster camp we'll put you into Alliance 101 and show you combat, give you a basic run down of the rules, and let you try out lots of different weapons, casting, RP... all aspects of the game.

We'll have you work with our more experienced NPCs to pick up tips quicker.