

Hi, Oregon Alliance!

I'm new to LARP-ing, and am planning to attend the Jan event as an NPC. This is my first official hello.

Hope to meet some of you folks in a few weeks!
Welcome. New players are awesome. I look forward to saying hello and getting to hit you with a piece of foam. :funny:
Have fun and bring extra socks!
I officially greet you in return!

As JP said, let us know if you have any questions. I look forward to throwing birdseed in your general direction at the game.
and he's not kidding about the socks thing.
No, he's definitely not kidding about the socks. And I'd recommend the warmest pair of long johns or whatever you can manage. The site is likely to be snow- or rain-filled that weekend. Brrrrrrrrr.

I'm cold just thinking about it.... XD
Thanks for the advice/thinly veiled threats (*shakes fist!*).

As for socks, etc... Oh trust me, I've done my fair share of all-day-for-many-days-in-a-row-in-terrible-weather-events. ~4 pairs of socks and a full change of all layers per day (if not more...). Experienced, I am. Well-equipped, too. :P
There really isn't anything quite like the misery associated with traipsing about in the woods whilst under equipped in the Pac NW in the "notsummer" season, is there? ;D

As for the rest, shame on the thinly veiled threats! Haven't we taught you people better yet?!?!

I, in turn say, "I dare say, i plan to pummel you personally into the ground with spells and stick-of-beating!" ;D Jk, jk, i promise. :thumbsup:

Naw, we're pretty nice, all told. We thinly veil threats, and have odd senses of humor (or at least i do), but we're a friendly bunch. :D