No, he's definitely not kidding about the socks. And I'd recommend the warmest pair of long johns or whatever you can manage. The site is likely to be snow- or rain-filled that weekend. Brrrrrrrrr.
Thanks for the advice/thinly veiled threats (*shakes fist!*).
As for socks, etc... Oh trust me, I've done my fair share of all-day-for-many-days-in-a-row-in-terrible-weather-events. ~4 pairs of socks and a full change of all layers per day (if not more...). Experienced, I am. Well-equipped, too.
There really isn't anything quite like the misery associated with traipsing about in the woods whilst under equipped in the Pac NW in the "notsummer" season, is there? ;D
As for the rest, shame on the thinly veiled threats! Haven't we taught you people better yet?!?!
I, in turn say, "I dare say, i plan to pummel you personally into the ground with spells and stick-of-beating!" ;D Jk, jk, i promise. :thumbsup:
Naw, we're pretty nice, all told. We thinly veil threats, and have odd senses of humor (or at least i do), but we're a friendly bunch.