Flawed Life Item for sale


Anyone want a flawed life item? It lasts 2 yrs and has a single life spell on it per day.

The flaw is that you get hurt when the item discharges the lifespell so most folks would need a healer to pick them back up. On the other hand a curelight is a lot easier to get than a lifespell so the item is still worth plenty.

My group has several of these we won for completing puzzles and challenges. I envision an unflawed life item for 2 yrs going for about 25 gold but seeing as there is a flaw on them I can see us selling them cheaper.

I can accept payment in the form of:

Allowing me to copy a scroll=5gold
Selling me a scroll=10-25 gold depending on the scroll
Components=1-2 gold depending on the scroll
Gold=1-1 gold
Silver= 9-1 gold
Copper=80-1 gold

Note- These items are able to cross the mists to any other land in fortanis.



Can you tell me exactly how much hurt is dished out when this is used? Might make a difference.

I, too have a question about dhis item:

It causes critical or even mortal wounds, does dhis mean dhat it is a chaotic magic piece?
Nah its not chaotic I don't think. It causes da wound equivalent ta dat.
But how? Is it like a skill-store piece? Does it deal out celestial damage? What FORM of damage does it deal out? Say a skill store can be parried, some are outright immune to certain elemental effects and some (I have met some) are immune to chaotic damage. Is this like a vengence in which dhere is nye protection? Or is it a magic effect dhat can be spell parried, cloaked, or shielded?

Be safe, Jehan. I do nye wish dhat an ot'erwise decent item were tainted wit' chaos or you in its possession. Have dhe Eart' Guild check it out or even mi compadre Arkade. Him be more adept in lore such as dhat dhan anyone in dhe lands.

Fortune And Love Find You Where'er,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
As interesting as this item sounds, I think I will let some other purchase it. Best of luck to you!

~Naie a Kassill~
I understand Niae especially with Marcena purpusefully skunking the deal by calling it into question.

well done Marcey! Your fake concern is truly touching.

T'is nye a false concern wit' me, Jehan and I am deeply offended dhat you t'ink so. Dhere would be ot'ers dhat would question dhis, nye? I am nye trying to be offensive or mean or petty, I truly am worried about dhis and am baffled dhat you are nye.

Fortune And Love,


How many of these do you have that you want to sell?

And how much healing is required after using it?


I apologize, what I said was unkind and born of anger at other situations. My mind is frayed and snappy.

I'm sorry



I'll get back to you privatly.
T'is fine, Jehan. I still would dhat you had it checked out or encouraged ot'ers to do so. Fae are pretty iffy t'ings. We all know dhis.

Fortune and Love,
