Cerulean Jax
I hope someone can clear up a question for me regarding fighting magic users;
currently I'm under the impression that a magic user must not have interference in order to cast a spell, otherwise the spell flubs * please feel free to correct me on this too* so, if I and a magic user are in combat and he tries to cast a spell at me, if I'm close enough to hit while he's doing so, will the spell flub? Currently it seems that being a magic user has a MILLION advantages over being a fighter of any kind, and I'm wondering if it's balanced out in the mechanics of casting or not. Any help you can give me will be much appreciated, thanks!
currently I'm under the impression that a magic user must not have interference in order to cast a spell, otherwise the spell flubs * please feel free to correct me on this too* so, if I and a magic user are in combat and he tries to cast a spell at me, if I'm close enough to hit while he's doing so, will the spell flub? Currently it seems that being a magic user has a MILLION advantages over being a fighter of any kind, and I'm wondering if it's balanced out in the mechanics of casting or not. Any help you can give me will be much appreciated, thanks!