Food at the National Event?


Hi all. I'm giving thought to coming out to NPC this weekend and I just had a quick question.

How is NPC food handled? There's a kitchen on site, from what I recall? When is it open?

And, because I always forget where to find the info on the homepage...
How much is the event fee for NPCs? I do not have a current NERO / Alliance membership; how much is that fee, to just NPC?

Many thanks to anyone who can provide some last-minute answers for me. With any luck, nothing will pop up and keep me from heading out this time around...
We have the food catered by local restaurants. You can sign up for any (or all) of the breakfasts and/or dinners when you arrive on-site. Breakfasts are $5 each and include eggs, bacon, potatoes and toast. Dinners are $10 each. Saturday night dinner will be pasta, chicken parm (or eggplant parm), salad, and bread. I am still trying to work out what the menu will be for Sunday night's dinner.

There is no event fee to NPC, however you still have to have a membership in the chapter. For the National event, I would imagine that as long as you have a membership with any chapter, you are good to go. I think chapters generally charge around $30 for a yearly membership.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Thank you for the quick response.

Is the kitchen open and/or is food available in between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or would that be something to be provided by the individual?

If it exists, how much is a blanket Alliance yearly membership fee? How much is a single event membership fee?

Thanks again!
There are occasionally snacks available for in-game coin, especially when we have enterprising players who will make treats to sell, and sometimes there are snacks for the NPCs that folks donate, but your safest bet is to bring your own, especially if you have any kind of dietary restrictions. Good ol' granola bars, jerky and other trail foods travel easiest and take up the least space when packing. Cup O Noodles are another good choice, as you can pretty much always get hot water. Don't forget water and/or sports drinks to keep hydrated.

I don't recommend bringing anything that needs refrigeration but if you you really want to bring something that needs to stay chilled, pack the cooler.

I don't remember the membership fees and such off the top of my head or how that's being handled for National, but the HQ info can be found on the main site - Look toward the bottom for the Ashbury section.

Hopefully this helped with the food part of your question at least.