Food Committe


YARR I can't say enough YARR
Angel and I (Chad) Invite you to check out the temporary web page while Robb finds a way to make his fingers stop bleeding at his keyboard.

Check out the site Sign up on it, Questions Comments? no? good. :hahaha:

this site is only for food, although I do have a habit of over stepping my bounds so rich might have to put me in my place a few times, there is a donate button ^^ any donations done thru here will be considered for food.
Oh the facebook connect thing doesn't appear to be working so please sign up the long way I'm working on the face book connect issue.
I am bumping this because we still need donations for food on top of everything else for this chapter. So before you plan on coming to an event to eat for free keep in mind the more Chad and I have to pay OOG for the food we are feeding you the higher the price of food IG will be. So if you are bringing a new PC please keep in mind that the more donations we get the less you will have to spend IG.

That is all.
