Food Committee Paypal Online

Hey Guys! Good news. The HQ Food Committee now has a Paypal account for donations. This means we can take your donations at any time before the event in a wonderful digital way. Donations to the HQ Food Committee will carry a 10 to 1 gobbie to dollar ratio to kick things off and get this system started.

PLEASE remember to include your REAL NAME in the notes feild if you send us money, as I don't know your email address.

The account is which is also the Food Committee Email addy. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this project and keeping food, In Game.

Head of Food Committee

PS: Mish, an email with the account details is comming your way, don't worry.
Is this account for NPC food too? :)
The account is to be used for all food related needs of the chapter hat are not met through donations. There for if NPC camp has no snacks, or no water, and there is money in the account, it may be used for that purpose. If you donate food to NPC camp directly (like water, which we always need), then it doesn't need to go through the account.
Awesome! I just wasn't sure if it was an "Emergency use only" or an "in leiu of donating", since food stuff is pretty universal. :)

Thanks for the quick answer, Bill!
That being said, this account exists to provide the breakfast and dinner of the HQ chapter. Without donations to it, and without ingrediant donations, food won't happen.

It will never be a rule, but it would be realy nice if everyone who is attending the event who thinks they will eat the breakfast or dinner would be so kind as to donate as little as 5 bucks to the food. If 30 pre reged PC's each gave up 5 bucks, it would cover food for the whole weekend. This is on of those "the mmore everyone helps, the less everyone needs to do" situations.

As it stands right now, I have no current money or commitments to do the food for the June 24-26 Event. Hopefuly hat will change.

I'll see what we can do when we pre-reg, if we skip the hotel we'll float you what we would have spent. We just need to figure out our lodging situation :) if not, we'll make sure we get stuff over to get people fed!
Most apprichiated. Check out the Pot Pie thread for a list of needed ingrediants.
dreadpiratebill said:
Hey Guys! Good news. The HQ Food Committee now has a Paypal account for donations. This means we can take your donations at any time before the event in a wonderful digital way. Donations to the HQ Food Committee will carry a 10 to 1 gobbie to dollar ratio to kick things off and get this system started.

PLEASE remember to include your REAL NAME in the notes feild if you send us money, as I don't know your email address.

The account is which is also the Food Committee Email addy. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this project and keeping food, In Game.

Head of Food Committee

PS: Mish, an email with the account details is comming your way, don't worry.

Hey Bill, how long will the 10:1 ratio last?
For as long as food is run off donations. That means for the foreseeable future.

U have a present in ur paypal.
Hope it helps

Best regards,
Aka Nuheran
Most apprichiated. Your gobbys have been filed.
Got the good stuff coming your way.

Tim Curry
Thank you. I have been crazy busy and I forgot to make a post but this paypal account is actualy being shut down or logistical reasons. future donations to the Food Committee should be made to the main FairPlay account via the "Donate" button on the web page.

Your donation is received and fine. You don't haver to change anything. This applies to any future donations.
