We have a few possibilities (or combinations thereof).
First, we should make it clear that we do not want to charge real money for food we may provide (catering is different). If we did that, we could be seen as running a restaurant and would then have to deal with all sorts of permits and government oversight that we do not want. So if any food is provided other than catering, it has to be with game money only.
So here are some possibilities:
1. Players donate food, especially for breakfast. We can provide a continental breakfast with things like toast and bagels and hard boiled eggs and fruit and cereal and so on. If you donate we can give you goblin stamps or game money, but to be honest, the game money won't be much. We're not going to charge more than a few coppers for a hard boiled egg, after all.
We can also use donations of regular food that doesn't need much preparation, such as ramen noodles. Please be sure to donate vegetarian friendly soups too like the cheddar cheese one.
This we can do this weekend. Please help us out here! If you can bring something, post it here so we don't get 30 donations of toast and nothing else.
2. A player or team of players decide to be the Saturday night cooks for the event. Each team can volunteer for a specific weekend. Come on, once a year, could you volunteer for one night?
We can provide hot plates, but until we get an electrician to hook up the right outlets, we can't have an oven. Now that could get you LOTS of goblin stamps...
3. We can set up an OOG kitchen for players to use. A few donations of microwaves and toasters and a refrigerator even would be great, but we'd need to set up a sink too I guess. It's possible to divide the kitchen up so people can enter through the side door near the Mages Guild and just use the equipment there without coming into the IG kitchen area. Once more, volunteers and donations are needed.