Food, Services or other goods being sold?


Chicago Staff
Good evening,

I am curious with this upcoming gathering if there will be anyone selling goods, services, or food outside of the normal production goods. I think it would be also good to let anyone know what you may be offering, to let others with coin become aware.

I had heard stories of a spa, but I believe that is in another land entirely.

Is there anything of the sort folks plan on offering/selling?

Lord Asher Oakheart, of a land lost to time.
I’m going to have goodies and hopefully a couple weapon reps for sale
Coin purses that I have made and some other useful things, depends on what I can fit.

I will be bringing coin, which I will sell for things like food and other things I like.

-Shaman Zeth
I intend to sell uses of my Restore Prowess items. If you want your high end spells, evades, and other such skilsl back? Come find the guy with a long, shiny, spear, some chainmail and a bunch of black scaring around the eyes.