For Her Majesty



First let me thank you, on behalf of her Majesty, for all that you have already done for the kingdom. I know that your support for her, and her people has touched her greatly and been a great source of comfort for the royal family during this difficult time.

Now, I would be more discrete about the upcoming issue, but time is of the essence and it is only by the dedicated work of dozens of celestial guild researchers that we even found this information in time. While I wish that we could offer support, both the vanguard and the resources of the celestial guild are fully deployed and not in a position to assist in this manner given our short time line.

For those unaware we were able to successfully contain the magic marking the Queen, however during that process we noted that something was consuming that magic, the concern being once that magic is unraveled that the process will continue and threaten the queen herself.

After a great amount of effort we have found the source of this issue, creatures that have recently reemerged from the wastes, currently being referred to as "Echos" These creatures, that appear as humanoids made mostly of a dense grey smoke, are as best as we can determine ancient spell casters consumed in quelie rituals at the height of their power.

We have come to believe that, like in most populations, not all echoes are created equal, or have the same level of power. We have identified one in particular, at great risk, within the wastelands that seems to be stronger than his kin and the source of the drain on these magics.

Our plan, or Goal is to strike this creature down, the evening of this coming Saturday, after the foreign magics on the queen are removed, but before the magics in place to separate the queen from her affliction are similarly affected. This window will be small, maybe a day or two at most, so this being must be at the least stopped, and ideally struck down.

Here is what we know about what you will likely face.

First the area of the Wastelands this creature resides in is extremely low on magic energy, any spells from memory, or contain in magic items that refresh themselves, will likely require the expenditure of an equal amount of additional energy to manifest. So if you have four spell shields memorized you'll likely only be able to cast two, as half of your energy will be used up forcing the magic to manifest. Happily scrolls and potions should not be affected by this drain as they do not draw on the ambient magic of the world. Our scouts have noted that this issue clears up close to the source of the issue however so careful management of resources should limit this issue.

Second these Echo creatures seem to have some weakness to solidifies once disrupted, and also have a weakness to a varying array of spell schools. But be warned any spell they are injured by will also be turned back on it's caster.

Unfortunately I cannot offer much more insight into the dangers that you might face, but i have sent work to the Celestial guild in horizon and will be personally working to empower the disjunction network Saturday night to get you as close as possible using out new Circle deployment technique.

Guild Master Emry of the Celestial Guild.
Guild Master Emry,

To inquire further into the limitations of magic in the area.
Was there any experimentation with magic items with a once ever empowerment? Or how do you think a spell store would behave? Could perhaps like magic from an item and someone's memory be combined to produce a full spell? Were passive magics affected, such as an Arcane Armor, or an Endow already cast on an individual, Or cloaks? Was a race's inherent magic ability affected?

To theorize do you think this anomaly is caused by the Echos or perhaps a Qualliy Elf influence?

Lillith Winters
Passive effects seem to function fully. Magic items that are consumed on use are structured differently and contain the magic needed to achieve their effect internally. A spell store would require expending an equal amount from memory, just as any other renewable item would. Arcane Armors functioned, but as we did not engage in combat we are unsure if refitting them will be an issue, similarly we did not check most protective enchantments.

The wastelands have long been an area devoid of magic, the areas differ in their issues, but it certainty is not anything new.

-Guildmaster Emry
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Guild Master Emery,

Thank you for this information and plan. We look forward to helping to cleanse our beloved Queen of the dark magical taint of Jason Runeforge.

For Her Majesty!

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon