For Sale! Look! Stuff!


Hi world! I've got some stuff for you!

Currently for sale, I've got:

- The catalyst Warmth of Fortannis from Icenia, which is good for the Regeneration ritual. Everybody likes not dying!
- A cloak scroll from the lands of Icenia. Oooh. Aahh.
- A magical trinket that mist-travels and gives you one elemental shield and one magic armor per day. It's got a flaw, but it's an easy one to deal with; contact me privately if you're interested.

I'm looking for straight coin or production, but any serious offers will be poked and prodded and hmm'd over. You can contact me privately on the dream realm, or send me a missive (kelseyd at caldaria dot com).
It's celestial -- and I should also mention that it'll last a little less than two years. And I've got one more item to add to the mix too:

- Another magical trinket, this one is good for a celestial magic blade per day, and it also lasts a little less than two years.
The cloak and the regen catalyst are both sold, but the magic items are all still up for purchase and I'm sure takin' some offers!

- Evie