For the residents of Landfall -


Over the course of the next couple of days, Lord Gyr approaches you or your group in private. He seems excited, perhaps even a little distracted, but with everything going on lately, it's pretty easy to understand why. He'll ask how you are holding up, and suggests that if you have any concerns that they can be brought to him. After the general pleasantries are out of the way, Gyr tells you the following:

"The Dwarves of The Chakar Stronghold have recently sent word that because of our help several weeks ago, they believe they have the requisite resources to be able to make a final, decisive push against the Harkonians. The goal is to once and for all push them out of the mountains to the north, and make them think twice about sending more of their kind to try another siege.

"I am talking to everyone I can to gauge interest, rally our forces, and send what force we can muster without leaving Landfall unguarded.

"I don't think I have to tell you how important this; not only will we be helping our allies, but this is a chance for all of the oppressed people on our little Golden Horn to see not only that there are people who would stand up to the Harkonians, but that they can be pushed back and defeated.

"And I would be honored if you would travel to Chakar and fight by my side. Think about it, and let me know. We will be leaving within the next few days."