for those interested


Since I've already been contacted and asked by one party who was not at the event, yes Solomon perm'd and no, I didn't suicide/retire him just because I'm leaving. Those lucky bastards just happen to get me and I drew poorly out of the bag. It happens, and I'll miss "Solomoning it up" as I've been told it's called, but I had a great run with that character, and I still love the game, so now I gotta pick from the like eight other characters I've thought up along the way that'd be fun to play.

Had a great time at the event, even with the Big D at the end, and was so glad to get to see alot of the people I'm gonna miss (the rest of you are bums, BUMS I SAY for not being there) and I'm counting on every last one of ya to keep this place fun so I have something to come back to from time to time.
ya it was a fun event and to fight next to ya like i did was a great expirence and i couldnt run fast enuff to get life spells for everyone that needed them so im sad to report it was Fred Meyers Fault Solomon died because they gave me a lung infection :evil:
So there thats my thoughts on that matter....

also im going to miss playing with you ingame you always saved my spider *** or kept it in line ingame...