forum announcments


For those of you who notices your missing some things (or even those who are not) and dont read the forum anounsments, a heads up. Go to user CP and then group membership and see what groups apply to you. This is very important if your wanting access to things like the tavern and such on the boards.

Also, read the announcments.:)
Kauss said:
For those of you who notices your missing some things (or even those who are not) and dont read the forum anounsments, a heads up. Go to user CP and then group membership and see what groups apply to you. This is very important if your wanting access to things like the tavern and such on the boards.

Also, read the announcments.:)

Ah. See, here I was waiting for an announcement stating that the board maintenance was actually complete, and that we should start reapplying.... curse me and my trusting nature. ;)
Just a note: I saw that at least one group has permanently disappeared (or at least I can't apply for group membership back to it?). I wanted to make sure this was on purpose :)
A number of boards have been removed due to disuse, as per this post.

I am currently developing a method of requesting private forums; this will likely take into account necessity, level of interest and likelyhood of use, and plot approval.

Boards which have been removed can be made available again through this process, which I hope to have completed within the week.

The new racial forums are intended to serve a number of purposes:

-Forums for players of a given race to discuss information in and out of game (spooooooky seeeekrit High Ogre meetings! :p)

-A way for plot to disseminate race-specific information and/or rumors

I am toying with the idea of opening a public "Races" forum for general discussion of the races, but I am not sure if there is enough demand for it at this time.
