Deadlands of Old
by Fearless Leader on Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:00 pm
The purpose of this forum is to support the Alliance Live Action Roleplaying Game. Those that have played, those who are thinking about playing and those who are just curious are welcome to join the forum and participate or just observe.
The Alliance is a community and volunteer effort. Our events are social by nature and we attempt to build a community of respectful and civil individuals. It is expected that everyone, both at events and on this forum will treat each other civilly and with respect, even if you completely disagree with someone. We want players and newcomers alike to feel comfortable posting here.
The Alliance and this Forum are owned by Michael A. Ventrella. Mike has designated individuals as moderators. These people have the authority to police the forums for inappropriate posts and to take action as deemed necessary. They will issue warnings, delete posts and even ban people. They will not argue with you over what is and isn’t inappropriate. They have the final say.
The Alliance has a very important rule called The Good Sportsmanship Rule. This rule is in effect on these forums. The rule is discussed in detail in the Alliance Rulebook. For those who don’t have the rulebook yet, the rule is exactly what its name implies…be a good sport.
Please remember, everyone on Alliance staff is a volunteer. Please do not make those volunteers spend their valuable time and effort policing these boards. The game will be served much better if their time and effort goes towards more positive endeavors.
(these are subject to change and addition)
No Posting Anonymously on the Forum. If you are new and wish to post, introduce yourself. You don’t have to go into great detail, but write something like “Hi, my name is Joe and I’m from Montana. I think your game looks really interesting and I’m thinking about playing.” Even if you are a long time player, please sign your post with your first name, known nickname or even character name. If your Forum Name fits this criteria, that’s fine too. Anonymous posts will be deleted immediately and the offenders may be banned from the forums. Also note, you may post anonymously in the In Game sections, but ONLY IF you get plot permission in advance from the appropriate campaign.
No Accusing or Insinuating that People are Cheating or Metagaming on the Forum. If you truly believe someone is cheating or metagaming, please bring the issue to the marshals, owner or general manager of the campaign where the alleged incident occurred and it will be dealt with appropriately. Accusations of cheating or metagaming will be deleted immediately and the offender may be banned from the forums.
No Profanity, Vulgarity or Slurs. The forums are fairly liberal as to what you can post, but please do not use profanity, vulgarity or slurs. If you are unsure if something falls into these categories, assume it does and don’t post it. As a rule of thumb, try to keep it PG-13 and stay away from anything rated R.
Be Especially Civil and Respectful when Discussing Politics and Religion. There are people from all walks of life on this forum. Please respect that others will not always agree with you and that they are entitled to their opinions. Philosophies of life are rarely right or wrong. Use these discussions as an opportunity to broaden your exposure to the value systems of others, not to attempt to propagate your own.
Do Not Post if You are Angry or Frustrated. If someone does post something that really bothers you, take some time to cool off before you post a reply. Go do something else for a while and come back to the forums later.
Banning from the Forum: Alliance LARP reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, though we would like to avoid this. Banning may come with or without a warning, depending on the severity of the offense. Bannings may be temporary or they may be permanent, depending on the severity of the offense and the history of the offender.
Please be aware that if you are banned, your IP address is also banned and anyone that shares that internet connection with you will also be banned. Your inappropriate actions may affect others. You have been warned.Read "Arch Enemies" -- a novel taking place in the world of Alliance LARP!
by Fearless Leader on Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:00 pm
The purpose of this forum is to support the Alliance Live Action Roleplaying Game. Those that have played, those who are thinking about playing and those who are just curious are welcome to join the forum and participate or just observe.
The Alliance is a community and volunteer effort. Our events are social by nature and we attempt to build a community of respectful and civil individuals. It is expected that everyone, both at events and on this forum will treat each other civilly and with respect, even if you completely disagree with someone. We want players and newcomers alike to feel comfortable posting here.
The Alliance and this Forum are owned by Michael A. Ventrella. Mike has designated individuals as moderators. These people have the authority to police the forums for inappropriate posts and to take action as deemed necessary. They will issue warnings, delete posts and even ban people. They will not argue with you over what is and isn’t inappropriate. They have the final say.
The Alliance has a very important rule called The Good Sportsmanship Rule. This rule is in effect on these forums. The rule is discussed in detail in the Alliance Rulebook. For those who don’t have the rulebook yet, the rule is exactly what its name implies…be a good sport.
Please remember, everyone on Alliance staff is a volunteer. Please do not make those volunteers spend their valuable time and effort policing these boards. The game will be served much better if their time and effort goes towards more positive endeavors.
(these are subject to change and addition)
No Posting Anonymously on the Forum. If you are new and wish to post, introduce yourself. You don’t have to go into great detail, but write something like “Hi, my name is Joe and I’m from Montana. I think your game looks really interesting and I’m thinking about playing.” Even if you are a long time player, please sign your post with your first name, known nickname or even character name. If your Forum Name fits this criteria, that’s fine too. Anonymous posts will be deleted immediately and the offenders may be banned from the forums. Also note, you may post anonymously in the In Game sections, but ONLY IF you get plot permission in advance from the appropriate campaign.
No Accusing or Insinuating that People are Cheating or Metagaming on the Forum. If you truly believe someone is cheating or metagaming, please bring the issue to the marshals, owner or general manager of the campaign where the alleged incident occurred and it will be dealt with appropriately. Accusations of cheating or metagaming will be deleted immediately and the offender may be banned from the forums.
No Profanity, Vulgarity or Slurs. The forums are fairly liberal as to what you can post, but please do not use profanity, vulgarity or slurs. If you are unsure if something falls into these categories, assume it does and don’t post it. As a rule of thumb, try to keep it PG-13 and stay away from anything rated R.
Be Especially Civil and Respectful when Discussing Politics and Religion. There are people from all walks of life on this forum. Please respect that others will not always agree with you and that they are entitled to their opinions. Philosophies of life are rarely right or wrong. Use these discussions as an opportunity to broaden your exposure to the value systems of others, not to attempt to propagate your own.
Do Not Post if You are Angry or Frustrated. If someone does post something that really bothers you, take some time to cool off before you post a reply. Go do something else for a while and come back to the forums later.
Banning from the Forum: Alliance LARP reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, though we would like to avoid this. Banning may come with or without a warning, depending on the severity of the offense. Bannings may be temporary or they may be permanent, depending on the severity of the offense and the history of the offender.
Please be aware that if you are banned, your IP address is also banned and anyone that shares that internet connection with you will also be banned. Your inappropriate actions may affect others. You have been warned.Read "Arch Enemies" -- a novel taking place in the world of Alliance LARP!