Found at June event

norman b

Hey everyone! I have found a leather scroll case about 8-10 inches tall and about 3-4 inches in diameter. It has metal studs around the top and bottom. Its top is attached to the base with two leather cords that it slides up and down to open and close it. I tried to find the owner at the end of game and no one seemed to know whose it was. I can try to get a picture up later but im not sure how i do it from my phone.
A lot of people left a lot of stuff at this event. I've got:

A wooden bowl and pewter mug in a Made in Oregon bag.
Eric's latex short sword.
Will's sleeping bag.
A large black blanket that might also be Will's.
A sack for Ron.
A black sweatshirt in the Plot cabin (maybe it's a hoodie, it's still in the car).
A black undershirt in the plot cabin.

There was also a bunch of stuff left in the Zodiac cabin, but it was mostly dishes, packets, trash, and a bucket. I was pretty sure that all of the non-trash stuff was the site's (except maybe the bucket?), so we cleaned it up and took the packets. The bucket and dishes are all still on site.

There was also another feastware kit and some lady's shoes, not sure who ended up with some of that.
Pretty sure the dishes in the Made in Oregon bag are mine, I could swear I packed them though. I was pretty tired at the end of the event though so may have missed 'em, I'll check at home tonight and make sure.
I realized I left my black shoes. If someone has them let me know.
I have Gavin's blacksmithing hammer.
The lady's shoes that were left behind were black. I don't know where they ended up.
Hey folks, looks like I left my phone charger in monstercamp. It's a small dual USB plug with a normal black USB cord attached. Anyone see it or possibly threw it in the the radios while packing up MC? Lemme know please.
I didn't find anything matching that description in the radio box in the van.
Nate, I've got it somewhere. I'll find it and bring it over.