Fresh Printing of my Book


I have just finished binding ten new copies of my book; The Natural Laws of Fortannis. I will be selling them this next weekend. Each book is hand bound and made in a convenient pocket size. There is also an attached book mark and pouch for small papers. Many have found my book to be very useful when teaching the Magics of Fortannis and it's effects.

Here is an excerpt of the book;
The following is a tome of gathered general knowledge of the, magics, customs, and economics of Fortannis Written for the common adventurer as interpreted by the scribe. One should not use this as a handbook of sorts but as a gathering of general observed facts. Though travels one will learn that each land may have it’s own individual natural laws and customs. The Scribe, Lillith C. Winters, has studied Celestial magic for 4 years and has been adventuring with in The Sheltered Lands and Terna for the past year and a half. The Scribe is mastered in Styles of combat and the use of various weapons as well as being an experienced merchant.

This current printing is limited to ten so give word if you would like one. I will take special orders.

-Lilly Winters
I would be interested. Such an item might be a good asset to the cultural chest, after the rest are sold of course.

Walk with Honor,
I could love a copy. I need to expand upon my library anyvay and Is seems an excellent place to start.

-Beryl R.T.
I am interested in the most recent addition and would also like a copy.

Thank You,
Lady FallingStar
Sir Victor, For the box I will make a larger print book and donate it.

Ragnarok, I have your order down

Lady FallingStar, The content of the book has not changed since my last printing, Though the binding is a bit different, I hope I did not miss lead you.

-Lilly Winters