Funny thing

apparently necromancers are cleaning up random bandits.

last night i ran into a necromancer where we had set a trap for some bandits who were harassing the locals, but instead along comes a necromancer with a pile of undead who bragged about killing bandits himself. the act of the destruction of the criminal element was nice of him, but there were so many other things wrong with that....

either way, Harbors far is looking to help clean up the local areas that are having some trouble, even if it is a simple hissing creature walking across the fields just being creepy, to necromancers feeding bandits to children, come to us, and we will help.

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
The problem with a Necromancer cleaning out a group of bandits is the idea that a NECROMANCER is cleaning out a group of bandits. That means that the Necromancer has MORE minions, potentially stronger since they were recently alive.

If it was an annoying Kobalt demanding money while I'm trying to sleep I wouldn't care...but I would suggest dealing with it while It's manageable.
yeah... i was trying to get him to leave. Sadly Kobolds can be like bandits, except without the concept of being sneaky. some are able to be reasoned with though... some of them can be sneaky too, but it was that one... by himself... that was... interesting.

though i would rather fight zombies than bandits i think... but yeah, necromancer = horrible thing.

-james the inconceivable of Harbors Far
There was something really odd with the Necromancer too. When he dropped the first time, after a minute or two he was able to get back up. Whats more, one of his minions was able to shun everything but one race (though I think that was just to try and get us to split up). In any event we were able to take him down in the end.

-Arrin Fillrith
Arin, James,

In the future, when you find a necromancer, please bring him to myself, York, or one of the guardians. I'd like more information into this one undead. Can you contact me by private missive to describe him or her further, and to describe where you were when this encounter happened?


Fern Woods
Aye, that was a very close battle, and disturbing to say the least. Sorry we didn't get the chance to capture for interrogation.
Still, good try, just in the future come kick my fuzzy butt in the pants till I get up to hunt him down.

Kovu will be pissed at me when he finds out I let a Necromancer into his backyard.

Then in my mind Kovu shoulda been 'ere to take care of it 'imself. Things 'appen an' the world is a dangerous place. We can't blame other people for evil that they 'ave nothin' to do with. At least you're tryin'.

We killed the necromancer, he didn't escape, it was just that he died before we really had chance to capture =)
As adventurers, it is at times as much out duties as it is the Regents to protect these lands. Fern and Kovu should not feel bad for something like this but rather be glad that there are people like us (not just Harbors Far, but all those who are calling Hopes Reach home) who are resolute and able to handle them selves enough to deal with these problems.

Granted it would have been nice to speak with the corrupted soul before its passing...

-Arrin Fillrith
I dhink dhat dha Sherif beh sayin' dhat he feel responsible fo dha keep'n outdah necromanca's when Wizard Kovu be gone. As he be a great student of dha Eart', it be a task of 'im tah 'elp rid dha lan' of such dhings.

Dhe'r be noth'n wrong wit a man tryin' tah keep on what a frien' an leada would do, when dhat person be away on business. Dha be many dhings tah do in dhese lands, an dhat why dhere be many Guardians.

I not recommend regret'n not bein' aba tah talk tah a necromanca before 'im die, only lies an taint be spew'n forth from 'im mouth till a sma't person finala end him vile life.

-Hengin the Unfogiven
Guardian of Hope's Reach