G4 Episode and its impact.


Gettysburg Staff
I just got done watching the G4 Underground episode on Alliance. They did a great job. No silly crap or special effects. They painted us (IMO) in a great light. kudos to the crew and the producers for their treatment of this topic. The only complaint is I wanted it to be longer.

I absolutely agree. Thank you so much to Michelle, Ali, Tom, the NPCs and the PCs who made this happen.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Yes it was quite impressive! We looked very professional and mature, and everyone had great costumes and make up! Thanks especially to Michelle, Ali, and Tom for making us look good!

(Wish there were a longer version because I know they did a lot more filming than that!)
I would be interested to see if there is a significant increase in traffic to the website, forums, etc.

My only complaint would be that it was too short, too! But it's a half-hour show...22.5 minutes with commercials and bumpers... *sigh*
Amanda And I just got done watching, We loved it!!!!!!!!!! Justin your our hero.

Tim And Amanda
Hah, that was pretty rad. Everyone looked badass. I want the footage that was left on the cutting room floor. I think my favorite part is Chazz's face used as a segway between commercials. =)
Couldn't catch the 9:00 viewing but got a chance to see the 12 am one. It looked really cool.

To prove the rumors true, Matt did carry around a stick in his hand pretending it was a sword....and he was 17 when i met him.

We are so awesome now.

Great look for the show. I was really impressed.
That trailer doesn't even do it justice. It was a very nicely done piece. We were certainly the longer of the two segments. Tom spent a good bit of time in the studio with them even after filming, recording voice tracks for the narration. The crew seemed to have a good time with it as well. The first "final" cut where they were happy with the story was almost 30 minutes long... well over the limit when we're supposed to take up roughly half of a 30 minute show! So they had to pare it down - trust me when I say we're not the only ones who would have been happy with a longer segment.

We called one of the producers after the show (he had asked for feedback) and he mentioned that we had given them so much good stuff to work with that it was easy for them to make us look good. Though honestly they did put a lot of work and thought into the editing, soundtrack and effects. Even good raw footage can still look crappy if the editing is bad, but I think they did a great job.

So kudos to everyone who kept the makeup, costuming and roleplaying top-notch all weekend long!
We were the longer piece? Salvia seemed to go on FOREVER. I think they should have got Burt Reynolds to play the Texas state senator.

We told everyone not to worry about the G4 episode...

I'll time it again, but I was pretty sure we were the longer of the two. I think the salvia segment just FELT long LOL.
It felt really long. I'm proud of our segment. I'd be embarassed if I was one of the salvia smokers.
Duke Frost said:
It felt really long. I'm proud of our segment. I'd be embarasses if I was one of the salvia smokers.

I'd be worried about employment personally if I were in the first segment. My supervisor actually spotted me in the background in our spot. Managed to turn it around tho, he actually admitted he watches that channel. Nerd. :lol:
Toddo said:
Duke Frost said:
It felt really long. I'm proud of our segment. I'd be embarasses if I was one of the salvia smokers.

I'd be worried about employment personally if I were in the first segment. My supervisor actually spotted me in the background in our spot. Managed to turn it around tho, he actually admitted he watches that channel. Nerd. :lol:

Hahahahahahahaha. Wow, I didn't even spot you. Did he know you were into this kind of stuff before? I spotted the back of my tabard once.

And kudos to Ali, Michelle & Tom for a great job. Everyone else who commented on camera looked great too.

I'm gonna download it to my iPhone as soon as it comes up on iTunes. I wonder if there's a way to get the first segment out of it.

Just look for the sheen off my dome.
Hah hah hah! Hells yeah boy!

When Tom was talking about being Isenfector Reidrich, I was like "Don't be scared grandma, I kicked that guys ***." Tom is the man BTW, very professional and intelligent sounding throughout the 8 minutes.

AMARANTHUS: "I've been hunting that guy for THREE YEARS!" lol, Bill's voice sounded like Luke Skywalker a little

Those G4 guys were pretty damn cool, if they could make us look that good. Thruggyars face in the cut-to-commercial segment was awesome. It was like "Thruggyar am very sad that all these bird-people gonna make me kill them".

-Brian B

Rock looked like a FREAK. They got me and Tetsu giving each other Orc-love on the battlefield. Woot!
I was very happy with the way they presented it. They definitely made it look epic and awesome - and I think while a lot of kuddos go to the editing - a heck of a lot of kuddos and love have to go to Ali, Mich, Tom, and everyone in our Alliance family for making it ACTUALLY epic and awesome.

So, my mom called me after the segment...first words out of her mouth were "So I hear that you and your friends are some of the more extreme LARPers", and I chuckled...I usually come home and go on and on about weekends and now my mother had a way to see what I was talking about. Also, since she's up on the lingo (LOL), my mother asked if the "nice greenskins" were the ones that Khaadi called family.

Can't wait to see everyone in May!! Tons of <3 !!!
Ezri said:
I'll time it again, but I was pretty sure we were the longer of the two. I think the salvia segment just FELT long LOL.

I don't know if they started on time, or if my clock is fast, but the Salvia segment lasted at least until 9:17 PM, making it the longer of the two segments.