I was thinking of buying this but can't find in the description if it's just for one person and their console/computer, or it's multiplayer online like WOW or EQ. Thanks if you know!
Civilization is a popular turn based strategy game. While not an MMO you can play online with others, however the experience is wanting as most people quit as soon as they fall behind.
I remember buying Civ 2 for Playstation and playing for 9 or so hours straight and not finishing the game. Its really a fun game IMO, but not for everyone.
This new one with have a multiplayer mode for online play but it will not be like WoW or EQ.
I heard a rumor Sid might be making an MMO but its all just rumor. However I dont think I have ever played a Sid Meier game I did not like.
My only thing about Sids games I dont like is replay value. After 3 or 4 times it gets old but this multiplayer system is going to take out the boring aspect of PvE missions
I am going to try this game cause it looks sweet and Sid has never done me wrong