Game day on 3rd


Just wanted to give a general inquiry. Is the gameday on the 3rd set in stone? I don't think there will be a huge turnout for it since it's the 4th weekend. I think I'm personally kidnapping Carmen and Hayley to Portland (at least trying to). Perhaps it would be better to reschedule it? When the last group assembled it sounded like a good number had various plans for that weekend.

Just a comment.

See you all this Saturday at the mod day!

Balryn said:
Just wanted to give a general inquiry. Is the gameday on the 3rd set in stone? I don't think there will be a huge turnout for it since it's the 4th weekend. I think I'm personally kidnapping Carmen and Hayley to Portland (at least trying to). Perhaps it would be better to reschedule it? When the last group assembled it sounded like a good number had various plans for that weekend.

Just a comment.

See you all this Saturday at the mod day!


The last few years most folks have stayed local so we did think there would be much conflict, but if enough people would like to have it moved, we can try to do that.

I don't think I'll be attending that one... being as my birthday is the next day...
Diera said:
I don't think I'll be attending that one... being as my birthday is the next day...

Oh well, I'm sure we can find another npc if we don't move the date. Have a good day before your birthday.
As Barry says, I'm going to be quite busy being kidnapped that day, so I won't be there. I hope everyone has fun without me *sniff sniff* ^_^

As well as Brandy, Bond, Cassandra, and myself will be out of the state as well. It would be very nice if we could get it changed.
People need to get there priorities straight :D

If all goes well and it is not rescheduled I will be there
For those people wanting it changed, I dont see a good time/day to change it to but suggestions work. It cant be moved to the 4th, and to be honest, the gamedays are comming fast and close. But mayhap we can have a list of people who will be able to make it?
Nope. Nope. Nope. Three reasons I won't be there (in no particular order):
1) Geddie Lee
2) Alex Lifeson
3) Niel Pert

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you are the one who is unfortunate. Rock on people.

I'm gonna post like it's 1999

Messages on this board, that is. This is the post 2000. No meltdown, sorry.

Anywhoo, I'm not gonna be there. But I'm not gonna be there for the upcoming one, either. I was thinking about it, but it's too much drive for too little game, and I could be doing other stuff.

~Matt, ORV
I can't make it either, I'm going to go to Anime Expo for that weekend. I would really love it it the date was changed.
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
Nope. Nope. Nope. Three reasons I won't be there (in no particular order):
1) Geddie Lee
2) Alex Lifeson
3) Niel Pert

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you are the one who is unfortunate. Rock on people.


My reason for not being there?

Mickey Hart
Phil Lesh
Bob Weir
Bill Kreutzman

and the missing Dancing Bear

Rock on, indeed.
I'll be there.
WOOHOO! Nate thats makes three of us My dad you and I...wait four...cuz Phil. Two npcs against a page... :eek:
I think I'll make it. . . but I have no idea what role I'd be playing. . . malevolent plot or a lowly pc? And which lowly PC? *sigh* Such a desicion.
Oh, come now. There's no such thing as JUST a lowely PC, they make tasty snacks to throw at monsters while everyone else runs for the hills. :cool:

(Of course, I'LL be playing one of those lowley PC's before long ;))
Now now, those "lowely PCs" can suprise you every now and then. Especially those earth templars with bad attitudes.