Jesse Grabowski

The IRON THRONE is coming to Colorado!

The Iron Throne is coming to Tradesmart in Littleton this weekend and we have been invited to attend! Friday I will be there roughly at 7-close. On Saturday I will be there all day. We will be given free passes to sit in the throne and be around for general info and things. They are allowing us to set up an info booth to promote the Alliance too. Please come fully dressed in some cool garb, be it fancy noble, or armored warrior.. Humans only please as was the request. If you want to come in "shifts" that might be wise too so we have a good representation throughout the day. If you can make it, please post when you and your friends would like to come so we can spread the love around at various times. This could be big as I have heard the event announced on the radio throughout the day today and for a few days now. Please post your availability here if you can and will attend either day. As this is not a convention, I cannot award DS but I will award GS for any who help out!