Secrets of the Golden Gate.
IG location:Near the edge of the crossroads
OOC location: Hamlin park (Note will be climbing and walking up and down hills.)
Setup: The Golden gate has showed up again, bringing more of the copper spiders with it. However thats not all it brings this time. Small secrets revealed and suspitions proven true.
Level: No particuler level cap
Game checkin starts at 11am, game starts at 12pm Noon.
NPCs please arive as close to 11am as you can(or even a little before) as I have some set up that needs to be done, and NPCs need to check in and get ready before game start if at all doable.
Feel free to post here if you know you are going, and please note if its as a PC or NPC. In addition feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Secrets of the Golden Gate.
IG location:Near the edge of the crossroads
OOC location: Hamlin park (Note will be climbing and walking up and down hills.)
Setup: The Golden gate has showed up again, bringing more of the copper spiders with it. However thats not all it brings this time. Small secrets revealed and suspitions proven true.
Level: No particuler level cap
Game checkin starts at 11am, game starts at 12pm Noon.
NPCs please arive as close to 11am as you can(or even a little before) as I have some set up that needs to be done, and NPCs need to check in and get ready before game start if at all doable.
Feel free to post here if you know you are going, and please note if its as a PC or NPC. In addition feel free to PM me if you have any questions.