Gameday 2/24/2007



Secrets of the Golden Gate.

IG location:Near the edge of the crossroads
OOC location: Hamlin park (Note will be climbing and walking up and down hills.)

Setup: The Golden gate has showed up again, bringing more of the copper spiders with it. However thats not all it brings this time. Small secrets revealed and suspitions proven true.

Level: No particuler level cap

Game checkin starts at 11am, game starts at 12pm Noon.
NPCs please arive as close to 11am as you can(or even a little before) as I have some set up that needs to be done, and NPCs need to check in and get ready before game start if at all doable.

Feel free to post here if you know you are going, and please note if its as a PC or NPC. In addition feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
I will likely show up to collect ritual audit information from people (slackers).
Phil, though I am never up in the Seattle area for a game day, I wanted to take a moment to say that I greatly appreciate the information you continue to give as to the theme and intention of the game days. Sometimes I feel like I am missing out on some fun stuff.
I'll be there.
Just an added reminder I need NPCs. The more NPCs I have the more I can do for the players and the less each NPC often has to do.(aka I dont have to send 3 people to come back 14 times each becouse I have 9 players and 3 NPCs.)
If I find a Ride i'll be there (NPC Conrad for those who dont know)
pening on who where people are i might be able to give a ride or two.
He resides in Portland.
Portland But I may have a Ride from the huffs if there going.
Car from the south.

We will be coming from Portland.

Conrad- NPC
Jesse- NPC
Jeremy- ???
Emily- NPC

We should get to Seattle around 10AM.

I need to know how to get to the park.


Taken from the main web site (

This park, located in is the site of most Modules, Faires, and Fighter Practices.

The camp's address is: 16006 15th Ave. NE, Shoreline, WA

Directions to Hamlin Park:

From I-5 take Exit 176 (175th St N)
Head East on 175th St N
Turn right on 15th Ave NE
Turn left at 2nd stoplight (Park Entrance)
Park in the second parking lot.
I will be PC'ing as Hawks.
Looks like Polare will be there.

edit: As someone who doesn't go to gamedays much... should I send a prereg request to Logistics for the gameday or... ? Are you guys pulling tags beforehand or not?

Polare Lissenstine;18850 said:
Looks like Polare will be there.

edit: As someone who doesn't go to gamedays much... should I send a prereg request to Logistics for the gameday or... ? Are you guys pulling tags beforehand or not?


In the past, prereg for GD mostly ment you just tell them your comming so they can print the card. If its a tag day or tagless day is currently in dave's hands and often is due to weather and time, however any production you want to do its always a good idea to send it along as well.